Author Topic: 22 long rifle match chambers with HV ammo...  (Read 900 times)

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Offline Rickster

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22 long rifle match chambers with HV ammo...
« on: March 05, 2004, 10:22:59 PM »
When rebarreling a 22 bolt action with a high quality barrel is a match chamber desireable for shooting high velocity hunting type ammo? I do a bit of paper punching with standard velocity ammo but shoot mostly high velocity stuff like Winchester Power Point or CCI Mini Mag HP's. I expect to use a Remington 581 action with a Winchester 52 or Remington 40-X barrel. What type of chamber would serve me best?
My primary shooting interests are rifle and handgun shooting. I particularly enjoy 22 rimfire target, plinking, and varmint hunting but shoot a lot of 22 centerfires as well. I am an avid reloader and bullet caster.

Offline gunnut69

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22 long rifle match chambers with HV ammo..
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2004, 06:48:26 AM »
There are basically 3 levels of chambering in 22 rimfires.  A standard chamber is large enough to contiain any cartridge, 'bentz' chamber and a full match chamber.  A 'Bentz' reamer is tighter than the standard chamber but has enough taper to it that although it is tight it will allow the recoil spring of a 22 auto rifle to chamber most ammo.  The match chamber is usually too tight to chamber most 22 ammo ecpecially the cheaper stuff.  Also match chambers and some Bentz chambers will have trouble with heacily waxed ammo.  Match stuff is usually made to tighter dimensional standards and only lightly waxed or even dry film lubricated.  The Bentz chamber is larger than a match chamber at the rear but tighter than a standard at the mouth.  Both will engrave the bullet to some degree when a round is chambered.  The Bentz to a lesser extent(some of these reamers cut a throat but it is such that some ammo may still show rifling engraving.  A Bentx chamber may work, depending on the ammo you are using.  The match chamber will not allow some HV ammo to chamber.  Both will raise pressures somewhat but the 580 series Remington action should have not problem containing them.  The Bentz is a compromise chamber and is what I'd reccomend..
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Offline Rickster

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22 long rifle match chambers with HV ammo..
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2004, 11:08:27 AM »
Thx gunnut69.   The Bentz chamber sounds logical for my purposes and that is the route I will go...
My primary shooting interests are rifle and handgun shooting. I particularly enjoy 22 rimfire target, plinking, and varmint hunting but shoot a lot of 22 centerfires as well. I am an avid reloader and bullet caster.

Offline gunnut69

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22 long rifle match chambers with HV ammo..
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2004, 09:49:04 AM »
The Bentz chamber is a good compromise, origianlly developed for use in target grade barrels for the 10/22, it works well for most rifles.  I have used HV ammo in several target chambered M75 and M52 winchesters with varied results.  Still I believe the Bentz is the best way to go.  Good luck and let us know how the project turns out!!
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"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."