Author Topic: HANNITY, eviljoe letting terrorists call the shots, dictate terms. « on: Today  (Read 261 times)

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Offline powderman

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HANNITY, eviljoe letting terrorists call the shots, dictate terms.
« on: Today at 01:05:12 AM »

Hannity: Biden allowing radical terrorists to call shots as American lives hang in the balance
Hannity unloaded on the president for putting the billions of dollars in taxpayer-funded U.S. weapons into the hands of the Taliban
By Yael Halon | Fox News

Hannity: Biden should assume Taliban means business if troops overstay
Fox News host Sean Hannity tore into President Biden on Monday for allowing radical Islamic terrorists to dictate the terms of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan while the safety of American citizens and allies hangs in the balance.

"This is the worst foreign policy crisis in my lifetime, certainly one of the worst in American history," the "Hannity" host said. "The only thing we do know right now is that thousands of innocent souls, our fellow Americans have been left stranded, trapped, held hostage behind enemy lines unable to even get inside the airport in Kabul."


He continued, "For Biden to put America in such a position of weakness, to put Americans in such a vulnerable position – it's an unforgivable dereliction of duty," the host continued. "All of this was completely preventable. He won't even commit to keeping American forces on the ground past the original deadline. The Taliban are clear. They are not willing to go beyond that deadline, they want the U.S. gone and apparently they are calling all the shots."

Hannity further unloaded on the president for putting billions of dollars in taxpayer-funded U.S. weapons into the hands of the terrorist group.

"Look at your screen," he told viewers. "Taliban fighters are now marching in the streets wearing American gear carrying American weapons that Joe left behind. As a matter of fact, the estimates are now $85 billion worth of guns, ammunition, 40 aircraft including black hawk helicopters… all in the hands of terrorists."

Despite the failures within the framework of the withdrawal deal struck between the United States and the Taliban, the White House has done little to comfort U.S. citizens trapped behind Taliban lines with contradictory statements and misleading messaging, Hannity noted.

"Our fellow Americans have been left stranded, trapped, held hostage behind enemy lines unable to even get inside the airport in Kabul with mixed messaging….'make your way to the airport but we can't guarantee your safety,'" he quoted. "On Saturday they were told don't make your way to the airport it's not safe today…but according to Jen Psaki's alternate reality, no one is stranded," he said.


Psaki on Monday insisted in a fiery exchange with Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy that no American was "stranded" in Afghanistan.

"How would she feel if she was stuck there?" Hannity remarked, urging the White House to call it what it is: "A horrific crisis, no end in sight."

Yael Halon is a reporter for Fox News.
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9 minutes ago

Ouch, poor Sean Vannity must have his blood corpuscles bursting by now. Maybe Donald can rub some cream into them and calm him down ... for THE NEXT 8 YEARS!!!

Islam is a fast growing cancer, a boil on the butt of the entire world.
I learned everything about islam I ever needed to know on 9-11-01
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline Ranger99

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Pure speculation on my part,  but
I'd imagine that there's a large amount
of taxpayer dollars being delivered
as a backdoor ransom to the
The stuffed shirts in DC would rather
dump taxpayers hard earned dollars
than give free reign to the fighting
men who've trained all their lives
to handle situations like this
18 MINUTES.  . . . . . .

Offline NWBear

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How many here would vote for the US to send in 100,000 to 200,000 AMERICAN troops (since the Afcrap military refused) to fight the Taliban directly????  They could (I know for sure) beat back the Taliban and reclaim all the equipment WE GAVE TO THE AFCRAP MILITARY.  But which Senator or Congressperson will lead the charge???  Who will volunteer their child for this duty???  Who would even bring up sending thousands of troops back to Afghanistan????  I doubt you could find even one...

If we wanted the equipment back why didn't we start removing it when we signed the "agreement" in Feb. of 2020???  I guess everyone including Hannity was calling for that last year I just missed it...  I wonder how Hannity would have gotten the equipment back after the Taliban started taking it from the Afcrap's???? I guess he would have sent the 2500 soldiers after it... Hannity should run for office or join the military so he can show us all the way.

Offline Dee

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How many here would vote for the US to send in 100,000 to 200,000 AMERICAN troops (since the Afcrap military refused) to fight the Taliban directly????  They could (I know for sure) beat back the Taliban and reclaim all the equipment WE GAVE TO THE AFCRAP MILITARY.  But which Senator or Congressperson will lead the charge???  Who will volunteer their child for this duty???  Who would even bring up sending thousands of troops back to Afghanistan????  I doubt you could find even one...

If we wanted the equipment back why didn't we start removing it when we signed the "agreement" in Feb. of 2020???  I guess everyone including Hannity was calling for that last year I just missed it...  I wonder how Hannity would have gotten the equipment back after the Taliban started taking it from the Afcrap's???? I guess he would have sent the 2500 soldiers after it... Hannity should run for office or join the military so he can show us all the way.

For the most part, your liberalism borders on treason in my opinion. But here on this, we are in total agreement.
As far as someones' child? I have one that went into Afghanistan with the 82nd Airborne for 13 months of fighting in the mountains. Then 2 tours fighting Iraqis in Iraq.

Our "military objective" in Afghanistan was accomplished in less than 24 months, but George Bush, and his neocon sidekicks "changed the objective" to nation building. Obama was no better, as all he did was stir the little heathen bast@rds up.

The Americans cashing in on the outrageous government contracts should have left as soon as Biden announced the pullout date.
But they didn't, and now everybody state side is wringing their hands over it.

When my son came home from Afghanistan he said we'd never beat the Afghans. Well years later, he obviously knew what he was talking about.
The American military "beat them back"  but didn't even get close to defeating them. That should be abundantly clear to any fool paying limited attention.

Alexander the Great didn't wipe'em. England didn't whip'em. The Soviet Union didn't? Who? Oh yeah, they really got their asses whipped, and those same Washington neocons payed for that little swary with our tax dollars.
20 years of American occupation, and reformation, over in less than a month.

As for the United States abandoning military equipment? Haven't they always?

As far as American politicians leading the military charge? That's never gonna happen. You can get killed doing stuff like that.

The United States government lied to the few gullible Afghans dumb enough to listen, and have been lying to Americans for 20 years.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline NWBear

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"For the most part, your liberalism borders on treason in my opinion. But here on this, we are in total agreement."

I don't worry about this because of our great Constitution.  One, opinions no matter how distasteful to others are protected in the First Amendment.  Second "Treason" is the only crime specifically defined by the Constitution.  It is giving aid and and comfort to the enemy in time of war.  Further the Constitution says only Congress may declare war.  So unless the congress "declares war" (something I can't see those "kitties" doing) no can be charged with "Treason".  Apologies to all the talking heads who so frequently accuse folks of said "treason" - maybe read the Constitution before spouting off.

I think we fundamentally agree on Afcrapistan, and actually more other things than you might think.   If "liberalism" is being open to new ideas, critically evaluating things (especially given new information), not accepting the "old ways" just because they are old, allowing everyone to have an opinion (even if I don't agree), trying to see where others are comming from (even if I don't agree); then yes thanks for the label.

Online Mule 11

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No. Liberalism means traitor...