Author Topic: Tolerance - Do you have it?  (Read 704 times)

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Offline LaOtto222

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Tolerance - Do you have it?
« on: August 29, 2021, 05:08:46 AM »
I am a conservative a Constitutional Conservative to be precise. As such I believe in little government as possible, if there has to be government, then as close to you as possible. State is better than Federal; County is better than State well you get the picture. As such, I believe adults can make their own choices as long as it does not interfere or harm others. If they make poor choices, then that is on them no one else. You also have to own those poor choices, not blame others. Conversely, if they make good choices more power to them and I love and encourage their success.
With that little background on me I think outside of a FEW haters on the far right most conservatives feel the same way as I do. For instance as a conservative I do not give a rats behind if you are LGBQTWXYorZ, that is your choice and as long as it consenting adults have at it (remember about making choices). Where I have an issue is where people of the same sex want to get married. For shared property and inheritance, government tax breaks, etc. then it should be a civil union sanctioned by the government, not a marriage (a religious ceremony) which is between a man and a women. If a male feels like a women and want to dress as a women, then that falls under choice; as long as it does not interfere with others or harms others have at it. I do have an issue with a Gay person wanting me to think they are "normal" or that there are more than a woman and man genders or a male deciding they are female using a female restroom or competing against females (harming true females -not good). Telling me that two women (or men) can marry. That is now telling me what I should comply to their choice not my choice.
I believe anyone born into the United States or legally become citizens are afforded the exact same God given rights and laws. It does not matter if you are black, brown, yellow, white, Muslim, Jew, Cristian, what your background, whatever is. However, do not blame others for your bad choices. A black person commits a crime, resists arrest and then gets beaten by the police, do not blame the police for your bad choice. The same thing happens to a white person that would commit a crime then resists arrest - they get beaten and rightfully so. Do you hear about the white guy that gets beaten? NO because they get what was coming to them. I can go on and on, but as a conservative I am tolerant of other people as long as their choices to not harm me or interfere with my choices. You get the idea. I think most Conservatives feel the same.

On the other hand Liberals are not tolerant as they want you to believe, they are most intolerant. They say OH WE ARE SO TOLERANT, we believe that Gay people have rights, but I do too. If however to do not think they should get married, then you are hated, intolerant and should be canceled. BLM people will beat you up if you say "all lives matter", is that tolerant? ANTIFA attacked a religious gathering on a Sunday, just because they do not believe in God and the gathering does, does that sound tolerant. The left is tolerant as long as you do and say the exact same thing as do. If you do not think the same as a liberal, for instance, all white people are racists (BTW most people pushing this are white) then they want to cancel you, punish you, does that sound tolerant? If a person on the left or Liberal is white and pushes that white people are racists, does that make them a racist? If they are not a racist, then what make them think all other white people are racist? I could go on and on, but it boils down to hate - there is much more hate on the left than on the right. Personally that is one thing I do not tolerate nor should anyone else is hate - right or left.
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Offline Dee

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Re: Tolerance - Do you have it?
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2021, 05:20:29 AM »
Well, I don't really disagree with anything you said, I'll just say that I'm tired of all that crap, don't agree with any of it, won't tolerate any of it being pushed on me, and a spade is just another word for shovel.
I mind my own business, and the left needs to stay outta mine.
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Offline teamnelson

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Re: Tolerance - Do you have it?
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2021, 05:54:44 AM »
I used to have tolerance ... now I'd just like to be able to have apathy, i.e. I so do not care that I really wish you'd shut up about whatever it is that I'm supposed to tolerate. Can't even watch Disney anymore without being inundated with intolerance. our nation was founded on the principle of mutual apathy; I do not hate you, I do not love, I simply do not care what you do on the piece of the universe that is yours. Step outside of that piece into the public sphere and I will start to care.
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Offline magooch

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Re: Tolerance - Do you have it?
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2021, 06:54:47 AM »
Well it all sounds like common sense--with one little exception; I do not believe law officers should be given any special privilege to beat the crap out of a resister, nor should they put themselves at risk against a crazed, or desperate perp.  In the case of a BLM, or Antifa the officer should just go ahead and shoot the worthless s.o.b.  Most others should just be tazzed. 

Online Mule 11

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Re: Tolerance - Do you have it?
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2021, 09:01:38 AM »
Not much...

Offline orerancher

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Re: Tolerance - Do you have it?
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2021, 10:24:15 AM »
I don't Care and Don't Think about other People's Bizzness ....Unless They try to force it on Me.

Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Tolerance - Do you have it?
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2021, 11:47:00 AM »
In the case of a BLM, or Antifa the officer should just go ahead and shoot the worthless s.o.b.
^^^^^^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^^^^^^
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Give me liberty, or give me death

Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Tolerance - Do you have it?
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2021, 11:54:11 AM »
In days gone by, liberal meant that they were good with whatever you wanted to do.
But socialism crept in and grew into the hard core communism that you see today in the democrat party.
Give me liberty, or give me death
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Give me liberty, or give me death

Offline powderman

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Re: Tolerance - Do you have it?
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2021, 03:51:40 PM »
For shared property and inheritance, government tax breaks, etc. then it should be a civil union sanctioned by the government, not a marriage (a religious ceremony) which is between a man and a women. If a male feels like a women and want to dress as a women, then that falls under choice; as long as it does not interfere with others or harms others have at it. I do have an issue with a Gay person wanting me to think they are "normal" or that there are more than a woman and man genders or a male deciding they are female using a female restroom or competing against females (harming true females -not good). Telling me that two women (or men) can marry. That is now telling me what I should comply to their choice not my choice.

WHY should it be ok for the govt sanction SIN?? It shouldn't. A marriage is between a MAN, AWOMAN, AND GOD. If GOD isn't in it, there is NO marriage. PERVERTS can go through the motions, even get a fake license and play house all they want, but there is no marriage. Pretending they are normal has ruined entire generations of children. I'll shut up for now. CHARLIE.  :o :o :o :o :o :o
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline wtxbadger

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Re: Tolerance - Do you have it?
« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2021, 04:10:15 PM »
In one word NO, I will not tolerate anyone actively trying to tell me that instead just leaving things be that I have to pat them on the back for their depraved behavior. I will not tolerate anyone that tries to do harm to my family in any way. My kids are grown now and have kids of their own and I will not tolerate anyone who in any way tries to do them harm physically or mentally or tries to convince them to abandon their faith.

Yes, in our country people have a legal right to make choices on their lifestyles but that ends when they try to enforce their choices/lifestyles and expect me to endorse what they are doing?

In those situations, No!

Offline teamnelson

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Re: Tolerance - Do you have it?
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2021, 12:46:14 AM »
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Offline Dee

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Re: Tolerance - Do you have it?
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2021, 01:47:49 AM »
I'm 71 years old. My L.E. career was in fact a "crash course" on life. At my age there isn't much I can do about todays world, so all I can do is live my life with the values that are important to me, and mine.
I accept things for what they are, and don't gloss them over for what I wish they were.
The left can label me in whatever category they wish, as long as they stay out of my business.
I just ain't much of a "joiner" anymore, so I don't spend much time worrying about stuff I can't do anything about. I see it, but I don't participate.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline LaOtto222

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Re: Tolerance - Do you have it?
« Reply #12 on: August 30, 2021, 02:57:35 AM »
I agree with you. Like it or not our Government has decided that marriage can be between same sex couple. It was based on when a gay woman sued because she was not going to get wealth her and her partner accumulated after death. It went all the way to the Supreme Court. So our courts decided she was entitled to it. That was followed almost immediately with a lawsuit for legal marriage, which the court ruled for thus same sex couples can marry. I do not agree with that at all. However a civil union is not a marriage, it is not and never will be a marriage. A civil union is so two people living together can inherent accumulated wealth that they have earned together, get tax breaks for couples as married one get and so on which I personally have no problem with. Not a marriage, which is between a biological man and a biological woman, recognized by GOD. I am tolerant to their life style choice, but do not tell me that it is a marriage, never has been and never will be, regardless of what the Government/law says. I do not recognize those marriages. The point I was making was Conservatives generally are tolerant with a live and let live attitude. Liberals are intolerant of any other opinion and will violently clash (verbally, physically, socially) with non-believers. There are always exceptions to the rule. There are "Conservatives" that will use violence to enforce their beliefs. I do not have any use for skin heads, the KKK or other extreme right groups, but I also have no use for ANTIFA or Black Lives Matter       

For shared property and inheritance, government tax breaks, etc. then it should be a civil union sanctioned by the government, not a marriage (a religious ceremony) which is between a man and a women. If a male feels like a women and want to dress as a women, then that falls under choice; as long as it does not interfere with others or harms others have at it. I do have an issue with a Gay person wanting me to think they are "normal" or that there are more than a woman and man genders or a male deciding they are female using a female restroom or competing against females (harming true females -not good). Telling me that two women (or men) can marry. That is now telling me what I should comply to their choice not my choice.

WHY should it be ok for the govt sanction SIN?? It shouldn't. A marriage is between a MAN, AWOMAN, AND GOD. If GOD isn't in it, there is NO marriage. PERVERTS can go through the motions, even get a fake license and play house all they want, but there is no marriage. Pretending they are normal has ruined entire generations of children. I'll shut up for now. CHARLIE.  :o :o :o :o :o :o
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Offline powderman

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Re: Tolerance - Do you have it?
« Reply #13 on: August 30, 2021, 03:12:03 PM »
LAOTTO222. Civil unions is a term likely dreamed up and used by democrats to sanctify homosexuality and make it seem acceptable to a civilized society, and GOD, it isn't, democrats are NOT CHRISTIANS, they have NO morals or family values, don't even know what they are. NO, I have no tolerance of perverts. CHARLIE.  ??? ???
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline teamnelson

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Re: Tolerance - Do you have it?
« Reply #14 on: August 30, 2021, 03:15:15 PM »
It’s always been true that the standards of the Kingdom are not what government follows. Not even ours. At best we can hope for is a government that allows those whose citizenship is in the Kingdom of Christ not to be forced to live like the world. But we’re not going to make the lost world saved through laws. If we had a majority Christian heck even majority Christian, Muslim and orthodox Jewish nation then abortion would be illegal, but we don’t, it’s not. But I don’t put my hope in government to do what’s right. My hope is in the Kingdom. I’d rather the state left the church alone.
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Offline Fixit

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Re: Tolerance - Do you have it?
« Reply #15 on: August 31, 2021, 08:34:25 AM »
It is my experience that the louder someone preaches tolerance, the less of it they have!!!
chicken little has finally found an audience
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Offline nw_hunter

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Re: Tolerance - Do you have it?
« Reply #16 on: September 07, 2021, 05:37:35 PM »
 Team Nelson said:
My hope is in the Kingdom. I’d rather the state left the church alone. I could not agree more.
Freedom Of Speech.....Once we lose it, every other freedom will follow.

Offline Dee

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Re: Tolerance - Do you have it?
« Reply #17 on: September 07, 2021, 11:54:10 PM »
Ahhhhhh, but the state won't.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Online ironglow

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Re: Tolerance - Do you have it?
« Reply #18 on: September 08, 2021, 12:48:45 AM »


   TN's meme said much more than some may see superficially.  The left has gone off the rails morally, socially and politically.
  There was a time when for instance, homosexuals cried for "tolerance".  This at a time when most people did "tolerate" them...that being the majority did not agree with them, but "tolerated" them by not beating them up or refusing them the basic rights..speech, vote, religion etc.

  Some on the left, in spite of history and common sense, wanted to try communism.  Most of us knew better, but most "tolerated" their idiosyncrasies.....

  ..But that was not enough..they started insisting that not only we "tolerate', but me must endorse their twisted mentality.

  So, time went on and many otherwise intelligent people, apparently disarmed intellectually, decided to help them gain "respectability"..

  This deterioration began 3-4 decades ago, by the permissive will of people who should know better!

    So what is the result?  Well, look around...culminating in the last few years, with those kind of crazies gaining status and power, we all now live in a virtual CUCKOO"S NEST !

If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)