Author Topic: 35 Rem can SHOOT!  (Read 1351 times)

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Offline papajohn428

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35 Rem can SHOOT!
« on: March 04, 2004, 10:22:23 PM »
I bought a gently-used 336C earlier this year, finally got a good scope on it and got a chance to test some loads.  I had been shooting some Rem-150 CL's, and wasn't too impressed with them, plus those pointy noses made me a little nervous in a tube mag.  
So I got a box of the 200 Rem's, mounted the scope, and commenced to shoot a few groups.  Once I got it where I wanted it at 50 yards, I tried at 100.  Fired a three shot group, holding a little high to make up for the distance, but couldn't see where they were going, so I fired three more, dead at the target paster.  Still couldn't see the holes.  Getting frustrated.  Was gonna try again, but decided to get off my lazy keister and go have a look..........  :eek:
Just about wet my pants.  Got down there, and found two nearly identical, three shot triangles, both exactly where I was holding.  Both a little over an inch.  Both perfectly centered.  I'd be less than impressed if I watched somebody else shoot the thing, but I haven't shot good groups in a looooong time.  Like 15 years.  Shot these off my elbows, fronm a wobbly picnic table.  Still might faint, if I think about it too hard.  Never expected that kinda accuracy from a levergun, heard they weren't that great.  Didn't expect much from a round-nosed, plodding old woods cartridge, either.  Live and learn!  
Needless to say, the gun went straight to the locker, without anything else being adjusted!
Now I can't wait to test my 1894SS with the scope!
Is mine the exception, or the rule?
I think my Marlinitis just got worse.  Darn the bad luck. :)
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Offline DDO

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35 Rem can SHOOT!
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2004, 11:00:07 PM »
I had the same sort of bad luck with my Marlin 336 Cowboy-38-55. Shot so good I'm afraid to put it on paper again. Came home, Loc-Tited the loading dies in place, bought 8 pounds of the same powder! Also went and order a Marlin 1894 Marlin 357Mag! Dare I hope it shoots nearly as good as the 38-55?

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Offline Norseman

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35 Rem can SHOOT!
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2004, 10:27:05 AM »
:-D336C .35 IS a great combo!  This past fall I mounted my Luepold 3-9x40 scope on it, using Remington 200grainers.  At 50 yards the group was less that an inch.  It was about 2inches high at a hundred yards and the group was slightly over ONE inch!  I let the barrel cool 5 minuted in between shots.  For a joke I went to the 200 yard line and shot a three shot group just for giggles.  Well, although the group dropped exactly 11 inches low...the group size was slightly over 1 1/2 inch!  I wish I took a digital picture of that but did't get this new computer and digital camera for Christmas.
  Well, two days ago I went to the range with my trusty .35, this time with a Williams peep sight on it.  During the fall the 3-9X40 scope seemed a bit of a pain on such a portable carbine like the Marlin 336, especially climbing up and down steep ridges.  I felt out of place on it anyway.
  As before in the fall with the scope, but this time with peeps, my results were as folllows:  50 yards a one inch group-dead center of the target (Now remember this was my final groupings after fiddling with the peep adjustments-I used the target aperature).  At 100 yards the group was 1 1/2 inches, and 3 inches high.  This was with the peep sight bottomed out.  I am going to order a Williams fire sight with a higher blade and give that a try.  
  Has anyone had much success with the Williams Firesight (front)??  Does it really show up better in dusk and dawn hours?  The Marlins are sweet...don't even carry my  30-06 anymore.  The carbine is just too handy, sparkling in the light of my campfire and the sounds of owls!


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35 Rem can SHOOT!
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2004, 04:51:39 AM »
In a word, YES, leverguns can be that accurate and even moreso.
While not designed for match shoots, they still are capable of tight groups even beyond what our capabilities are.
The levers deserve a lot more credit than they get sometimes.

Offline 140orbetter

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35 Rem can SHOOT!
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2004, 04:54:18 AM »
I have a 336 in 35 Rem that I mounted a 24" barrel on using 32 gr of 3031 Iunder 180 gr speers I can shoot <1" groups all day @ 100yds off bags and I have a Lyman peep sight mounted on it with a Lyman front sight using the smallest inserts.
 Last year I killed a blk bear and a couple whitetails with it, last weekend I zapped two hogs .
 I just love it!!!!!!!!!!!!

Offline papajohn428

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35 Rem can SHOOT!
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2004, 05:58:48 AM »
I went home yesterday and put together some sandbags for shooting some more groups, this time I'm going to try to take ME out of the equation, and let the gun talk.  I've still got ten rounds left of the last batch, and have more on order.  I'd be willing to bet that on a calm day, (which is what I'm waiting for, gusts are up to 60mph!)  this rifle can shoot an honest half-inch group, if given the chance.  Not bad for a 96-year old "obsolete" caliber, eh?     8)
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Offline EDG

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35 Rem can SHOOT!
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2004, 05:26:02 PM »
If you put you hand under the forend on the bags it will probably continue to shoot well. If you rest the forend on the bags you may put too much pressure on the but stock with your face and it will not shoot as well.
Your cheek is not as good a judge of pressure as your hand.