Had to listen to some out of staters
boo hoo about Texas executing scum
bucket criminals a few weeks ago at
a family function I had to drive for
most of the day to get to.
I guess I'm too old because I've never
understood these people flocking here
to get away from the tyranny they embraced
and voted for for years, then they want
to move here, they build and buy houses
in flood plains and areas of unstable soil,
they boo hoo about the rural electric and
water service because they can't run the
a/c 24/7 and take 45 minute showers
and water the lawn with scarce drinkable
water, and boo hoo about the fragile
country roads that they keep a hot path
on. They come here and praise and vote
for a POS charlatan like baytoe o'dork
and wonder why things are now gilflirted
up like the place they came from.
They've brought their sorry juvenile
delinquent kids that reek havoc all over
the countryside because the rural LE
are fewer and spread thinner than the
urban areas, and they can get away
with more.
What happened to that small town charm
that I moved here for ?
Buncha pinheads
Lord save me from their wisdom