Bill is "cleaning up" posts concerning arguments over a country that gave Hunter Biden millions, while "Ole Joe" bragged about holding back United States government aid until the Ukraine government fired a Ukrainian prosecutor who was looking into the Hunter Biden/Ukrainian corruption. And the Ukraine government DID fire the prosecutor.
SO! While I have said repeatedly that the Ukrainian government is corrupt, as is the the Russian government, killing innocent Ukrainian women, children, and the elderly is not justified, and to deny that its not happening is ludicrous.
Some here are claiming MY SOURCES KNOW THE TRUTH. I'll say "BS " to that. Know one here KNOWS anything more than what their chosen "sources" opinions are.
This is what I "know": innocent men, women, and children, ARE being killed by a Russian dictator seeking to annex the Ukraine. THAT IS OBVIOUS.
I also "know" that the Ukraine has no strategic, or economic value for the United States, and we should NOT get involved.
I also "know " that while you're all arguing about who's right concerning the Ukraine, the United States is sending billions of dollars worth of weaponry to the Ukraine, and IS DOING NUTHIN for the citizens of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, or California concerning OUR BORDERS.
I also "know" that our own country is in crisis, with "wide open borders" no help from the United States government in my home state of Texas, or 3 other border states, and epic, crazy inflation.
I also "know" that everybody arguing with each other here about the Ukraine, had better get their head on straight and get as passionate about their own country as they are a country the size of Texas, on the other side of the planet.
Law Enforcement IS fighting a war in the street of towns such as Laredo, Del Rio, and other cities on the Texas border.
Drug Cartels ARE controlling both sides of the border in certain areas, and it's getting worse. God only knows the number of terrorists that are just walking into our country, WHILE "YOUR GOVERNMENT" has you arguing with each other about Ukraine.
Instead arguing about who has the most accurate sources concerning two corrupt governments on the other side of the world, you'd better get educated, and concerned about your own children, and grandchildren.
I also "know" diesel prices in California is over $6.30 a gallon over $4.00 a gall in Texas. . FOLLOW THE MONEY IN YOUR OWN COUNTRY.
I also "know" that while ex United States military personnel are volunteering to fight for Ukraine, they are ignoring their own countrys' needs on its own border. Why not volunteer to help their own country? Not enough killing yet.
I also "know" that the Ukrainian people have the rest of Europe to "flee to ". All you guys have is Mexico, and Trudeaus' Canada.
If I were in the Texas State Senate I'd vote secession. While you guys are arguing about the Ukraine, Texas, while fighting to save itself its refineries are refusing Russian oil.