Author Topic: Nope, no Nazies here....!  (Read 464 times)

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Nope, no Nazies here....!
« on: March 16, 2022, 10:56:24 AM »
There's a common meme that there are only a handful of neo-Nazies in Ukraine; and Putin has nazies on the brain. The US use to avoid talking about and supporting the Nazies and right wing extremist in Ukraine. That is until we figured out how to use these neo-Nazies groups to provoke Russia and keep the money flowing from the
Citadel of Corruption.

This article details Ukraine's Nazi problem. These Nazi cells permeate the government, police, and army. They roam streets and terrorize people. They are drug runners and human traffickers, and murder for hire. Zelenskyy does not control these groups.

Lots of supporting links in above article. Now it is obvious why Israel is giving refuge to Russian oligarchs, who are mostly jewish; and refrains from overly criticising the Russian operations in Ukraine.

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Re: Nope, no Nazies here....!
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2022, 06:06:34 AM »
The Ukrainians are Slavic, and not the Nazi description of the master race.
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Offline Dixie-Dude

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Re: Nope, no Nazies here....!
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2022, 02:57:27 PM »
Zelenskyy is Jewish.  How did he get elected if there were that many NAZI's in Ukraine?  I thought NAZI's hated Jews.  Jews have the most people in banking.  They started banking in the middle ages when people didn't want to carry around gold coins or silver coins as they were heavy.  The allowed them to deposit them in their banks, and issued paper notes saying how much they had in the bank.  Jewish bankers in turn loaned out the gold and silver to earn interest.  Hitler blamed the Jewish bankers in Germany for their loss of WWI, even though they lost on the battlefield in the west as the allies pushed them back after America entered the war with more manpower and weapons on the Western front. 

Anyway, this doesn't make sense following a Jewish leader.  The NAZI's also hate the Russian communists.  I know of friends who are missionaries to Ukraine.  They never mentioned any NAZI's.  Just good people who hate Russia because of communism and wanted to learn more about America's freedom and capitalism. 

My wife's mother and mothers side of the family are from the Ukraine.  Her mother first generation.  They hated Stalin, and they also hated Hitler.  No mention of NAZI's or Communists in Ukraine that were widespread.  Only fringes. 

Oh, why are Russian shelling mostly RUSSIAN speaking cities like Mariupol?  Why are so many wealthy Russians leaving Russia seeking assylum elsewhere because they don't believe in the war.

This is one sovereign nation invading another sovereign nation, regardless of who is in that nation.  Ukraine wasn't threating any neighbors like Sadam Hussin was, and gassing his own people.  Putin has even had some of his political enemies poisoned or arrested.  Putin is a dictator.  He is the one at fault here.  He tried to invade the nation of Georgia, and totally bombed out the Chechnyan city of Gronzy when they wanted their independence from Russia.   
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Re: Nope, no Nazies here....!
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2022, 03:32:00 PM »
  Petro Poroschenko, the former president and Putin plant, under whose regime Hunter Biden dealt with Burisma.. was beaten soundly IN AN ELECTION, by a margin of 73.22%.

  Even a hostile NPR had to face the truth..

  So, where were those majority Russian population in the Ukraine ?

  My old Dad used to say.."you will be judged by the company you keep."  Let's take a look!

     Ukraine has friends in west Europe, the recently freed independent states in eastern Europe (Chechoslovakia, Poland, Moldova, Romania, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia..etc., and Pre Zelensky was a friend of the Trump administration.

  So, who are Putin's friends...  China, Cuba, North Korea, Chavez's Venezuela, Al-Aasad's Syria and the #1 terrorist sponsoring nation, Iran..

    Take a look.. and let your experience guide you.
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Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: Nope, no Nazies here....!
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2022, 01:27:28 AM »
nazi's?? No one since hitler was so obsessed with world domination then putin. Hes also mirrors hitler in his ethnic cleansing of his own people insanity.  So in fact if anyone's a nazi its him and anyone that would defend his agenda. Your in good company. China, North Korea, Iran, and about every other terrorist government (none Christian by the way) think just like YOU. Ever wonder how God would judge him?? I didnt think so. A socialist cheerleader wouldnt.
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