A white supremacy nation would be one where white people get away with all kinds of crimes, with very little public mention, while those carrying more melanin, have their 'mistakes' blown all out of proportion.
Uh; doesn't look that way..
https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2022/04/brooklyn-subway-shooter-frank-james-already-being-robert-spencer/ Several years ago some little, evil, teenager, shot and killed people in a church in South Carolina. He is in prison..I hope awaiyting execution..and we still regularly hear complaints about him.
Just a few days ago, some deranged clown tries to do the same, and murder is only avoided, because he was such a poor shot. So, what is the result?
He was released on a measly $25,000 bond, and I don't know if he was even 'inconvenienced' by an overnight stay in "crossbar hotel" !
https://www.fox46.com/news/u-s/south-carolina/arrest-made-in-saturday-afternoon-columbia-mall-shooting/ ..And already it appears the fake news TV along with the snooze papers have forgotten him !
Yet, we have been bombarded for years with complaints about a rouge cop, in the Floyd George incident...even though he is convicted and now in prison.
..And when was the last time we heard of the beast that crashed a parade ...killing and mangling people in Kenosha, Wisconsin?