Playing with your own dogs while black.
I looked at a couple videos here. Some are legit, some are provocateurs.. IMO.
Th above video as I see it, has nothing to do with black, but more to do with civility and cooperation.
Now, perhaps I didn't hear the whole thing, since it seemed to be very poor audio. Here's how I saw it, but of course I could be wrong!
The cop sees some guy who seems to be provoking some dogs behind a he is concerned that some guy may needlessly be creating some mean dogs . I have seen that happen before..
The cop stops to check.. So here, I consider what I would have done, were I the one messing around with the dogs.
I would tell the officer.." Officer, these are my dogs, and this is my home". That would likely end it, unless the office would like assurance that they are my dogs and that is my I would show him some ID !
Now I didn't hear the citizen explain that... but I did hear him demanding that the officer, "speak to him respectfully', while shouting to the officer....MF this and MF that ! So was he offering mutual respect?
It reminds me of that case where Obama called the Cambridge, MA police officers "stupid".
This incident also featured a black man, a professor at Harvard who forgot his keys, and was entering his house through a window.
To me, it would have been a natural reason for a cop to inquire, no matter the melanin content of anybody's skin.
The professor could have easily explained the situation..and perhaps showed ID..and that would have ended it.
..But no, rather than explain..he decided to argue the race card..why?
Then, when he realized his mistake, Obama did not apologize, but called to "have a beer' with the cops.
Now, I don't drink alky and I have no desire to meet Obama, so I would have suggested that an apology would suffice..
I don't know how the meeting turned out..but I still never heard any apology from Obama.
The way things are going today, often the cops are being set upon by the jurisdiction that hired them,
so it is getting harder and harder to hire willing officers.
So in the future we will likely have either less officers, or else less qualified officers.