Funny how you don't tend to lament over a special rifle when you know a friend got it. I had a 6.5 Swede that had been sporterized, not by me, but done perfectly. This rifle would put rounds into .75" all day long if I did my part. I would not have sold that rifle for $1000. One of my friends got hard up one year and had to sell his deer rifle, he only owned one. Come deer season I loaned him the Swede, and all I heard about was how great a rfle it was, as if I didn't know. Anyway, come Christmas I wound up giving him the rifle. The look on his face was priceless. Now every year since he has hunted with that rifle, and still loves it to this day. Now that his first son has arrived, he tells me about how his son will learn to shoot with that rifle. Like I said, I wouldn't have sold it for $1000, but it turns out to be one of the best gifts I've ever given.