Never ceases to amaze me how they’ve gotten every major scientific group in the world,a every branch of the armed forces and even all the oil companies to buy into it. We are doomed!
The answer is simple, it is more about $$$$ than it is about science;
"Major scientific groups" have only one product...studies. Studies require funding..and funding comes from
either governments, or wealthy political partisans. These studies have been caught how often can an entity lie, before they are considered a LIAR?
Every branch of the armed forces, must in many ways, conform to the administration in power or funding
tightens up. The interesting thing about the's top brass is elevated by the party in power in
Washington. So far it appears that one party promotes by merit, the other for political reasons. Note the
harassment of Christian troops and the dumping of some of our best troops, over a yet unproven inoculation.
Don't underestimate the power of a political movement. Which corporation likes the idea of being boycotted?
You can plainly see what happens, when the nations (or United Nations) decide to place restrictions on one country. They can destroy whole, long established nations, say nothing about the largest corporations.
To many of us, it is clear that our government, indeed most major governments have been infiltrated by a
sinister movement, greedy for POWER. They get some useful idiots to run the streets and cry, "power to the
people"... while they are actually seeking "power over the people". In the history of this fallen world, free
societies, have been an anomaly, an extremely rare anomaly.
If you actually believe the Democrats have the best interests of the people in mind, please answer the following
questions for me..actually for most of the guys here..
1) Why did Biden shut down our petroleum exploration and production, when our producers are doing it more
environmentally clean than anyone else?
2) It is common knowledge that other powers, such as China, India and Russia, not to mention myriad
s**thole countries that pollute far more than does the USA, so why are the Democrats not taking them on,
saying, "there, we've cleaned up our act, now let's see some action on your part"?
3) With all the celebrities, politicians and national "leaders", who calling for us to severely reduce our standard
of living and pay double to gas up our car, among many other restrictions, why are people like Biden, Gore,
Pelosi, Kerry and many other "leaders", not setting the example, by avoiding extravagant and pollution
producing lifestyles? This puts the lie to everything they espouse
3) In what way does it improve our military, to have all manner of perverts serving? Combat troops for the most part are required to have "picket fence" physical profile. That profile should be rated A11111, so how does it help our military to have some serving in a combat zone, that require hormonal and other treatments on a regular basis? Where are they going to get that crap in a terrorist infested nation in the mideast..or a warlord run country in sub-Sahara Africa? Or must our military interrupt it's logistics program with emergency shipments of hormones and other medications.?
4) Last but not least;... Please list, among all the rules, regulations and trade deals made by the Biden
administration, a minimum of 3 or 4 that have been good for the United states..