Author Topic: .25 ACP for the Encore / Omega  (Read 1332 times)

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.25 ACP for the Encore / Omega
« Reply #30 on: March 13, 2004, 02:56:04 AM »
To avoid the Hazmat fee, I go to my local gun dealer and tell them to order what ever primer or powder I need when they place there restocking order. They can order 10,000 primers for one Hazmat fee of $20.00. I never get charged anything for the Hazmat fee. The fee is in all primers and powder you buy off the shelf anyway, but spread over a lot of stuff. Unless you have gun shops that don't care about there customers. :eek:  As far as the price of powder opposed to pellets. I shoot powder in my T/C Renegade and pellets in my Encore muzzleloader. For me it is not cost but convenience of the pellets opposed to the powder. The only reason I do not use pellets in the T/C Renegade is due to the design and it is not recommended to use them due to non ignition of the pellets. This is just what works best for me.  :D
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