So says Dane Wigington...,
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Home » Political Analysis » Radical Drought Caused by Military Weather Weapons – Dane Wigington
Radical Drought Caused by Military Weather Weapons – Dane Wigington
By Greg Hunter On August 16, 2022 In Political Analysis 104 Comments
By Greg Hunter’s
Last month, climate engineering researcher Dane Wigington predicted “40 million in West would be without water in 2023.” Looks like the U.S. government is just as worried as Wigington about the extreme drought conditions. The Bureau of Reclamation just announced a first-ever forced water cut plan as the Colorado River dwindles to a trickle in Western America. Wigington contends the severe drought in the West and around the world is not a natural event but caused by man-made weather modification called geoengineering. Wigington explains, “What do we see around the globe? It’s not just Europe and not just the Western U.S., but South America also. We are seeing radical protracted drought that is crushing crops everywhere while Las Vegas is being deluged in an engineered scenario. This is all technology. They control the spigot, period. We have said this at for a decade and a half. Everything is manifesting itself. What are we seeing? While Vegas is being flooded, we are seeing in the bread basket in the Midwest and California 110 degree temperatures, single digit humidity in some places, and crops are virtually imploding here.”
Who is responsible for the biggest drought in the last 1,200 years? Wigington says documents show it is the U.S. military. Wigington says, “Zbigniew Brzezinski, former National Security Advisor to Presidents Johnson and Carter, stated on the record that climate modification operations were the exceptional covert weapon of the U.S. military to make countries and their populations more compliant. Climate modification is the Crown Jewel weapon of the Military Industrial Complex. It’s not just for foreign adversaries, but for their own populations. They can bring them to their knees without them ever knowing they are under assault. Think how absurd this is when we have climate modification operations cutting off precipitation to tens of millions in the U.S., and nobody seems to have a clue. Nobody is willing to acknowledge this elephant in the sky.”
The military is also using forest fires as a no jweapon. Wigington says, “We have found a document that is titled ‘Forest Fires as a Military Weapon.’ (Wigington also has produced a video with the same title.) It actually names the processes or road map to prepare for intense incineration. What is most damning about this document is it specifically cites not only many locations in the U.S., including Mount Shasta where I live, it also cites the ‘prime burn windows’ for other U.S. allies that are on fire now such as Portugal, Spain and Greece. How much more damning can a document be? This is business as usual for the U.S. military. Think about the insanity of this. You incinerate forests as a military weapon and inflict damage on your own citizens.”
Wigington says there is a short window to fully wake people up to stop geoengineering, but the most important group is the U.S. military. Wigington says, “Our military personnel are unknowingly participating in this . . . . They are being told they are doing something for the greater good. It’s something that is saving the planet when it is, in fact, killing the planet.”
Wigington talks about all the contaminated rain water, nuclear war, nano lipid particles, aluminum in your body and how much time we have left before the entire ecosystem implodes because of man-made weather modification called geoengineering.
There is much more in the 36 min interview.
Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with climate researcher Dane Wigington, founder of, with an update to the ongoing global drought calamity for 8.16.22.
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After the interview:
There is vast and totally free data and scientific information on
To see the video called “Wildfires As A Weapon: US Military Exposed,” click here.
To see even more information on “Wildfires As A Weapon: US Military Exposed,” click here for the page with the actual government PDF and other important videos.
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Dane Wigington
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About the Author
Greg Hunter
Greg is the producer and creator of The site’s slogan is “analyzing the news to give you a clear picture of what’s really going on.” The site will keep an eye on the government, your financial interests and cut through the media spin. is neither Democrat nor Republican, Liberal or Conservative. Before creating and producing the site, Greg spent nearly 9 years as a network and investigative correspondent. He worked for ABC News and Good Morning America for nearly 6 years. Most recently, Greg worked for CNN for shows such as Paula Zahn Now, American Morning and various CNN business shows.
James Burris08/16/2022 •
Damage to our environment is just not a switch to be turned on & off.
OK they want a lot of us to move to the cities and too many of us to just DIE!
Starting to seem a LOT of damage to the land to animals & plants. Also a lot of damage to the oceans & its life.
Continuing on this path may take multiple decades to restore after this damage is stopped! Some areas may become deserts for a very long time. This includes deserts in the ocean basically being void of living things.
My big question: Any idea of their plan afterward provided they get what they want to rebuild our environment?
Janet08/17/2022 •
If we are all transformed into robots with a solar panel on our arms and torso (like a walking solar calculator) we won’t need to eat food – hence there will be no need for the Globalists to even think about rebuilding our environment!!
Ozark rancher08/17/2022 •
There is a tunnel. But….
I remember hearing in the the 70s it was rumored to be a large aquifer in what is now likely the far south Eagan Valley wilderness. I believe this is near and or under where the ancient Bristlecone Pines are. So it may be further north and west. I spent a few weeks searching in the ’80s to no avail. The area is kept secret and is foot or horse travel only. At approximately 5,000 years of age these trees are the oldest living trees in the world.
A big enough thing they would keep it a secret regardless whether there was an agenda, which of course there is.
Tin foil hat08/17/2022 •
aaron sierra08/16/2022 •
why are we not talking about the aquafer under las vegas?
Greg Hunter08/16/2022 •
You mean the tunnel from Lake Mead to Vegas? Dane posted a video on it:
Tom08/17/2022 •
Greg, there is no doubting your sincerity but there is also little doubt that you came too late to the party. It seems to matter not how many of us wake up…it is far too late! The vast majority are still oblivious to the evil agenda of those really in control this ignorance is demonstrated daily. We only have to see the stupidity of Police response to their fellow citizens to be aware of this. I am an old man in my 80th year who watches Rome burn with regretful curiosity. It sure sums up the ancient Chinese curse: ‘May you live in interesting times’!
Steve jones08/17/2022 •
The only solution is the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Dan Hawkins08/17/2022 •
What aquifer? Last meeting I was in said Vegas is 100% reliant on Mead.
Rodster08/16/2022 •
I could see this being done and blamed on “climate change” to bring about the great reset. However, everyone I have talked to or mentioned it on a forum, they refuse to acknowledge this is taking place.
Rodster08/16/2022 •
Michael Synder just posted an article on potential food shortages for 2023.
TIM MCGRAW08/16/2022 •
The USA military is a force unto itself. It cares not for us. Anyone who joins the military has accepted voluntary servitude (slavery). That is their right and choice. But don’t expect them to save freemen.
Andy08/17/2022 •
Tim McGraw…you forgot to add they are all RAPISTS from your reading material? Geesh!!!
Give it a rest man, for the love of God Country and the millions who have served Honorably for over 2 CENTURIES !!!
steve08/17/2022 •
There is no honor in dying for politicians and illegal wars- and they are all illegal and designed.
Janet08/17/2022 •
Right Steve – look at where the world is now – the millions who have served Honorably for over 2 CENTURIES – died in vain!!
Cheri Rodriguez08/17/2022 •
“War is a Racket”—Smedley Butler.
Dave S08/17/2022 •
I agree. Men have fought and died for Kings and Masters over them with no say in the cause. Only coerced and duped into thinking that it is a just cause. All a scheme for power and control over others. Instead of engaging early to stop tyrants they exploit opportunities to conquer wealth and power over others. This is an ages old repeating cycle of “I want to be King of the World”. We need the return of Jesus Christ our Lord Savior. I am glad that I am older because the World I knew in the USA is gone forever. The Mid-Term election should show us the direction that we are headed. Wake up everyone there could still be a chance, but we need to cooperate and resist the tyrants.
TIM MCGRAW08/17/2022 •
Andy and Carole: And one more thing; I got a high draft lottery number. I got lucky. Many of my friends did not. But ALL of us suffered from that stupid Vietnam War. Inflation went up as much as today. Paul Volcker at the FED raised interest rates to 20%.
Imagine what that does to a young family starting out trying to buy a home in 1980.
Do you think this great military is protecting our freedoms? It isn’t. You will lose your savings, your livelihood, and your family. Do you think these wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Ukraine, Serbia; are free?
YOU will pay for them. Oh, how you will pay, and pay, and pay for all of your days.
Sam08/17/2022 •
If you are so sore about the military, why not place blame upon the Civilian Leadership & DEEP STATERS where it belongs instead of the Military Members themselves?
Most everyone with a working cranium knows who is to blame and people like you going around casting disparagingly negative ignorant crap talk on vets have found themselves in hospitals occasionally whistling through broken teeth….you should read about that before it happens to you.
Carol Anne Tucker (TuckerTrucker Patriot)08/17/2022 •
From the interpretation of your comments, I have to speculate that you are NOT A VETERAN. You obviously have NO CLUE what it means to” Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country” (John F Kennedy). I know it must be hard for selfish people who take this freedom for granted, and to UNDERSTAND what FREEDOM truly means. Freedom really is NOT FREE due to the countless Patriotic and Brave Veterans that gave their lives to assure freedom of those that choose to make ignorant statements regarding our military. With God’s help, I know People can change their outlook on the subject. I will be praying for you and others that think this way.
TIM MCGRAW08/17/2022 •
Andy and Carole Anne Tucker: This week is the 51st anniversary of when the Military Draft Lottery Board drew our (us guys born in 1952) out of a draft lottery drum to decide if we’d be enslaved and sent to that useless war in Vietnam.
Screw the US Military! They haven’t protected me or my freedom EVER!
All their wars have done is hurt my friends, my life, and my family.
Janet08/17/2022 •
Do you UNDERSTAND what FREEDOM truly means?? – did you take the “mandated jab” like a good VETERAN???
Janet08/17/2022 •
If you took the “jab” – I hope you are taking Ivermectin to kill the parasites Pfizer put into their “jab” (and the parasites raining down on us from the geo-engineering sprays – geo-engineering is like a bunch of crazed out wacko psychopathic exterminators killing humans like bugs) –
f reps08/17/2022 •
All those Brave and Patriotic veterans from many counties ; Germany and Japan included ….were sucked into their predicaments by venal and diabolic politicians and demons who revel in human suffering. Iraq and Afghanistan are an example of pre emptive ; unnecessary wars. Weapons of Mass destruction ?. Where ?. I still cannot understand why the US invaded Afghanistan….or messed up Libya. As a former Marine who served in Korea in the fifties ; all I know is that in my ignorance….I actually believed what the Scum in DC told me. Never again. God Bless Dane and Putin
eddiemd08/17/2022 •
Actually I have to agree with Mcgraw.
I would not recommend that any young person today join the military. Never. Not even the Coast Guard. Besides the fact that they will have to take an order to get a covid injection, the leadership is weak and does not have an interest in the welfare of the troops. Just look at Milley.
I served almost 11 years. Seven years enlisted with 5 of those years in Army Special Forces and 4 years as a medical officer physician with 3 years in the Special Operations Command.
There is honor in serving. You would have to be a fool to join today’s military. It is not the same military it was just 10 years ago. It was purged under Obama and continues to this day.
There should have been a draft starting on 9/11. That way we would have had a public debate on war and use of the military. Everyone should have skin in the endless wars. They would have ended 20 years ago. We would not be interfering in a potential WW III scenario in Ukraine, Taiwan, Syria, Iran, etc
Thank you for your service. Hypocrites at best.
Bill08/16/2022 •
Someday…Hopefully, all of us will get to heaven.
When we arrive, these 2 men will be sitting on the right hand of the father.
stanley skrzypek08/17/2022 •
Thank You Andy……for setting that f00lish talk straight…
Sylvia Sires08/16/2022 •
Older video clip with Rosalind Peterson, Agriculture Defense Coalition and Weather modification programs impacting crop production with man made clouds 17 minutes.
Janet08/17/2022 •
Reducing crop production to produce starvation and famine”is the real intended goal of the Globalists geo-engineering program” (if we allow this to go on – there will no longer be people around to clap that we reduced global warming by one degree (just like the people who clapped when they took their “jab” – and then collapsed like dead logs to the floor like our athletes)!! –
TIM MCGRAW08/16/2022 •
I am not discounting Dane’s statements or research. I am just giving you my observations here in Healdsburg, CA, Sonoma County. I’ve lived he11WQ act æx aww no no no Q aww no Qre for 22 years.
This summer has had the deepest blue skies I’ve ever seen. No chemtrails. No smoke from the forest fires.
Yes, we are in a drought and the reservoirs are at below normal capacity. But a few years ago there was so much water that it overtopped the Oroville Dam and destroyed the spillway. It cost over a billion bucks to fix.
California has very erratic weather. Back in the 1800s was the Great Flood. The Central Valley was deluged with rain for months. The whole valley was underwater. The Capital had to be moved from Sacramento to San Francisco.
So many farm animals and crops were destroyed that no taxes were collected that year.
California is a beautiful bountiful state, but it isn’t Iowa.
Rodster08/17/2022 •
Martin Armstrong has said many times that weather has cycles throughout history which included the dustbowl out West in the 1930’s.
Janet08/17/2022 •
Rodster will you and Martin Armstrong answer this question for me – if Climate Change “is Normal” – then why are the Globalists doing what they are doing – from famine, etc, etc, etc. – to denying us our very lives with the “jab”?
![Huh ???](
![Huh ???](
Victoria C Serbia08/16/2022 •
My father Gonzalo Rafael Serbia recognized that rainfall in Puerto Rico had been altered purposely in the late 1950’s when we had 7 year drought that affected our main export -sugar cane. Could that have been an early experiment of geoengineering?
Bob08/17/2022 •
Yes cloud seeding is at least that old.
Ray08/16/2022 •
How much more evidence of GOVERNMENT GONE ROGUE ON MULTIPLE LEVELS will be required before the good people of the US pick up their LAWFUL guns……point them at the government and say in a very, very loud voice…… “OUT………..NOW”?
Ray, Canberra, Disarmed Lap Dog Nation
Carol Anne Tucker (Tucker Trucker Patriot)08/17/2022 •
Janet08/17/2022 •
We are going to need more then guns to take down those Globalist geo-engineering planes spraying us with poison (what we desperately need is a Government “of the people” and “for the people”)!!!
Mr Mike S08/17/2022 •
Is this a Deep State operation to hurt the enemies of that group? Or just a Great Reset operation that doesn’t need “Guidestones” to depopulate?
Does Russia control their airspace enough to keep their damage limited? Then these weapons would be less likely to be as potent over there.
I’m leaning towards the WEF; “just depopulate” as much as possible using as many tools as they can!
God bless and protect Greg and all his guests and their loved ones.
Dave08/17/2022 •
I was driving in both N. PA & S. NY today, and Rt 49 was being dug up for installation of sluice pipes every 40 feet or so to catch run off water from hillsides. This was also happening in NY. Currently we are having a moderate drought.
TIM MCGRAW08/17/2022 •
Last spring we had lots of chemtrails in the sky here in Sonoma County, CA. But sometime in June, they just stopped. Don’t know why.
A plant opens its stomata cells at night (if I remember right) to take in CO2. The more CO2 in the air, the fewer stomata cells are needed in a plant. Every time a stomata cell opens to breathe, it gives off moisture (just like our lungs). So higher CO2 levels save water for plants. That is why the Sahel is greening as are parts of Australia and other near desert areas.
We do notice the more intense sunlight here. My wife and I always go outside with hats on, skin protection, and sunglasses. We have to put shade cloth on many of our plants.
Rick08/17/2022 •
I saw a weather manipulation machine first hand at a defense contractor manufacturing facility in Texas a few years ago. The engineer said it used lasers to manipulate weather.
TIM MCGRAW08/17/2022 •
Good interview. Thanks Greg. I’m glad that your guest mentioned solar flares and the Carrington Event. Humans think that they control everything. They don’t.
For the past few hundred years, the Earth’s climate has been remarkably stable. That might well explain how the human population took off.
Three hundred years ago the average life expectancy was 38 or so. And no flush toilets, or refrigerators, airplanes, antibiotics, etc.
Maybe our solar system is going into a dangerous part of the Milky Way. Maybe Planet X is coming. Maybe it doesn’t matter at all what we do.
Maybe this is as good as it gets.
PersonaNonGrata08/17/2022 •
Hi Tim and thanks for your observations.
“Maybe this is as good as it gets.”
Jack Nicholson, from the movie ‘As Good As It Gets’.
TIM MCGRAW08/17/2022 •
PersonaNonGrata: Yeah, the noodle salad line. Nicholson didn’t like the line. LOL.
M. Davidson08/17/2022 •
Mankind does not currently possess the technology to alter the weather in any predictable, repeatable way. Geoengineering or climate engineering DOES NOT EXIST .
Carol Anne Tucker (Tucker Trucker Patriot)08/17/2022 •
I have to absolutely wonder what rock you have crawled out from underneath! Since you are listening to Greg Hunter’s videos, I have to believe there is hope for you to WAKE UP!
I will be praying for you…
steve08/17/2022 •
Wrong- just go to any major city and look up.
Rooster08/17/2022 •
Wow, well actually we do….! have for over 70 years
Back in the day we called it “Cloud Seeding” make it rain…..!
We’ve come a long way baby…..
Janet08/17/2022 •
Are you old enough to remember Vietnam?? – a lot of Veterans got sick spraying Agent Orange and other chemicals on Vietnam (not only to defoliate their forests but create torrential rain storms to muddy up the Ho Chi Minh Trail !!
Linda Majors08/17/2022 •
Excellent interview with Dane!
I believe the fires, Covid, vaccines, and all the rest are part of the Grest Reset being forced on us. After the Military has burned our forests and the drought prevents us from growing crops, the Communist Chinese can buy up the land for pennies.
The “climate change freaks” in Scotland chopped down 14 Million trees for a wind farm. (Is that insane, or what?) People need trees a lot more than we need those stupid wind turbines like those in the Palm Springs area. (Ref. link below.) At least oil is organic.
John08/17/2022 •
Great info Greg. So glad that I subscribed . I hope more people in the UK wake up where I am from . Too many asleep and vaxxed unfortunately .
John08/17/2022 •
Hi John, I am also from the UK. I have been trying to wake people for decades. I now have far fewer friends. I see through things, that many don`t, or don`t want to. I have video and still photos of the Dorset skies, for over ten years. Trail after trail, of every type and description. Still as RFB would say.. No one looks up.. And No, no poison vax for me
Ozark rancher08/17/2022 •
There is a tunnel. But….
I remember hearing in the the 70s it was rumored to be a large aquifer in what is now likely the far south Eagan Valley wilderness. I believe this is near and or under where the ancient Bristlecone Pines are. So it may be further north and west. I spent a few weeks searching in the ’80s to no avail. The area is kept secret and is foot or horse travel only. At approximately 5,000 years of age these trees are the oldest living trees in the world.
Perhaps it’s a big enough thing they would keep it a secret regardless whether there was an agenda, which of course there is.
Maria das Santos08/17/2022 •
Thanks Mr Hunter and Mr Wiggington . We the people (plebs ) are under attack and democide is real,murder by elected government and their bureaucracy. It is estimated in the 20th century alone ,outside of totalitarianism by Rummell that 262 millions souls lost their lives due to the actions of democratically elected governments. So much for vox populi dox dei, and in Europe their leader is not elected by the people, way to go Von Leerer! Really irony does not do justice to the murders, here in the UK during a severe winter of 2018 our NHS and Department of Health issued strict guidelines for Doctors who are contracted to the NHS, NOT to administer antibiotics and those that fell outside the statistical analysis,all done in-house of course, were reprimanded. Needles to say the resulting deaths that occurred that winter were covered up by the democidists and all before the you know what.
A revolution is really needed.
Carol Anne Tucker (Tucker Trucker Patriot)08/17/2022 •
Thanks so much Greg for ANOTHER GREAT Interview. I see from reading the comments that there are TROLLS and Nay Sayers here who would’nt know the truth if it hit them in the head like a Fresh Horse Turd! I had to set a couple of them straight with my own comment replies. I tried not to be too harsh with them. They need lots of prayer for sure!
John Forgione08/17/2022 •
Here in Australia current news is that there will be a triple la nina dip and that those in flood affected areas should relocate. They’re telling us there will be more floods this coming summer.
steve08/17/2022 •
This Geo- engineering is a very important and critical subject and it is good Greg that you are covering it. I have known about chem-trails for many years, but according to Dane and a few others , they are taking this many steps more now. The green movement pretend they want to help the planet , instead they are crippling it to use it as a control mechanism over humanity
Tarheel08/17/2022 •
I find that people who can’t get their head around this interview being based in truth, believe our Department of Defense is and has always been, on the up and up. Additionally, for those that question military service as slavery or brainwashed, I can see that in some of our training. We had to be trained and disciplined in order to function as a unit. I still have a sleeping disorder but I sure outwork my colleges by 15%. Some of us joined due to lack of opportunities, to pay for college, to learn a trade and 1000s of other reasons. Lastly, most of us are firm believers in the US Constitution and it’s AMENDMENTS. We still swear, upon our lives, to protect this nation internally and externally. Great interview Mr. Hunter!
Humbly, 2nd Generation, 101st Airborne Division, Screaming Eagles, Fort Campbell, Kentucky.
eddiemd08/17/2022 •
Basic training is classic brainwashing technique. Everyone looks the same, chanting, physical training to the point of exhaustion, sleep deprivation, marching, etc.
Kill commies. I want to be an Airborne Ranger.
This version is actually censored. Up jumped the monkey pox. Campbell, standing on the state line.
Janet08/17/2022 •
Tarheel – If you will give your life to protect this Nation’s Constitution why are you and your buddies not working to stop the chem-trails being dispersed over our Nation containing aluminum and other chemicals to weaken and kill our trees? – the Globalists are in an all out war to shut down our oil and gas pipelines but they know we Americans “can still burn wood as an alternative fuel” – so they need to weaken our trees with aluminum and other defoliants (like they did in Vietnam with agent Orange) “before beginning their incendiary operations” and burn our trees with forest fires – their goal in this military operation against the United States of America is to deprive us of every fuel (oil, gas, coal and wood)!!
Dan Hawkins08/17/2022 •
QUESTION: Does Dane see the same atmospheric geoengineering in other countries…S.Am, Russia, SE Asia, Middle East, etc.? I wonder if Russia is controlling the weather above their country.
Greg Hunter08/17/2022 •
Yes, and he said so in this interview and many others.
Andrew Cox08/17/2022 •
Dane never gives the whole picture.
The weather warefare events are intensifying the other changes taking place on the planet – particularly the rapid weakening of the planet’s magnetic field which will increasingly damage/degrade the Ozone layer (due to more radiation/cosmic rays entering the planet’s atmosphere). If the weakening continues then a large solar eruption will badly damage/destroy the power grids, electrical systems and telecoms in many parts of the world.
Continuing chemical pollution is also damaging the ecosystems and killing people.
Together with the injections and food shortages we will see a huge depopulation event over the next two deaces.
Greg Hunter08/17/2022 •
I think it will come much sooner. You should watch the interviews, Wigington talks about the Ozone layer sun flares that make it possible to shut down the world power grid.
PersonaNonGrata08/17/2022 •
“Look at all the crap they’re spraying into the upper atmosphere!”
Whenever there are chemtrails overhead – almost daily – I have started to assail people, including strangers in the street, with the above shocking statement. Whatever people think of me, they are compelled to look up and NOTICE what they have hitherto ignored. I figure; some will ignore the interjection of an ‘idiot’, some will become curious and troll the internet for more info, and some will relate their strange encounter to friends and colleagues who may also start to take notice.
At a recent outdoor sporting event, my colleagues were commenting on the lovely weather. Directly overhead our venue were seven parallel chemtrails – horizon to horizon. “Look at all the crap they’re spraying into the upper atmosphere!” I exclaimed. Everyone looked up. That’s nano particle aluminium” (USA – aluminum) I said. No rebuttal from my colleagues, but some continued to look up as the trails spread out to form an off- white veil.
Appearing to be ‘eccentric’ no longer concerns me. The greater good is to be achieved by speaking out.
PersonaNonGrata08/17/2022 •
P.S. The expletive is an essential part of the statement and is intended to shock. I mix with ‘genteel’ folk who are easily shocked by mild swear words. The idea is to make a verbal impact in relation to the sight of the chemtrails – to which the ‘normies’ have become inured. Thereby, thoughts of chemtrails may linger . . . and fester.
Jerry08/17/2022 •
Oh course Dane is right. It’s just another method to help kill off the global population by any means possible just like this. processing plants mysteriously burning down, and coming food shortages are all part of the plan to kill off the global population. Last week I posted a video that a trucker took of hundreds of pallets of baby
formula being destroyed . Why? It’s just another method like water shortage is to kill off as many people as possible. I would remind everybody that the bulk of our vegetable produce is grown in the southwest. Should water shortages create a problem, buyers will be forced to buy the the produce from foreign imports. The moment that supply is cut off there will be food shortages. Look around. Supply chain breakdowns are happening everywhere. Computer chips for cars. Baby formula. You name it. China has stopped production of many important products recently, so it’s just a mater of time before it trickles down to us in the fall. Anyone who believes this is going to change is deluding themselves. Jerry recommends stocking up on supplies now, because winter is coming and with it, the aftermath of what Dane is predicting.
If I have learned anything during this past year it’s this. When it comes to survival you only have one chance to get it right. There are no do overs. My son who refused to take ivermectin during the pandemic after the fake news media peddled false information is now dead. Believe whatever you want at your own risk. Greg is giving you the information to do whatever you want to. It’s your decision.
Brooklyn08/17/2022 •
Great post, Jerry!
Earlier this year, one of Greg’s regular guest, advised us to BUY WHATEVER IT IS THAT WE USE, because it will never be this cheap again. As an example, we went out and bought 24 boxes of rotelle pasta at $.34 a box. We saw the same box of pasta yesterday for $1.69. We also bought cans of diced tomatoes for around that same $.34-35 cents, and are now selling for just under a dollar. We have decided to go “stock up again” (include soups, sugar, flour, olive oil, cereal…) because even at today’s much HIGHER PRICES, they will never be this cheap again, or simply not available. None of us know what tomorrow will bring, but being prepared “might” soften the damage, if only temporarily…
In Hoc Signo Vinces….By This Sign (The Cross) We Shall Conquer… Jesus is Real! Pray to Him.
Brooklyn08/17/2022 •
NewsTarget is posting the same message:
Johnny Cool08/17/2022 •
According to Klaus Nomi, we just have to hold on. He says after the “fall” we will be born again.
We’ll take a million years of civilization
We’re gonna give it the electric chair
But I’m telling you hold on, hold on
Tomorrow we’ll be there
I see a hundred million lonely mutants
They are glowing in their dark despair
But I’m telling you hold on, hold on
Tomorrow we’ll be there
After the fall we’ll be born, born, born again
After it all blows away
After the fall, after the fall
After it all blows away
David Gordon Dunne08/17/2022 •
Dave is a very smart man, a good man, and I share to all I know. Revelations is unfolding
as foretold. So many terrible problems are all coming to a head now. God help us. Thanks so much Greg for all you do to help wake up the Zombies.
MARCO08/17/2022 •
Hello, Dane Wigington & Greg Hunter.
here is a link to more information, including the attitudes
and thinking of the pilots who fly these missions of death.
I feel like humanity is under attack and we are all in a war
for survival. GOD BLESS all and stay strong.
Thomas08/17/2022 •
You could easily target Europe, by loading all airplanes from east-US to the EU with fuel, containing cloud seeding chemicals. The fuel is supplied from a central source, so that could be managed without anybody but a few a the top knowing what happens.
That way, the Gulf Stream, which carries virtually all rain to Europe, could have lost all its humidity by the time it reaches European shores.
How could we verify this theory ? All evaporated water MUST come down somewhere. So if the Gulf Stream does not carry any rain to Europe, the rain MUST have come down over the Atlantic Ocean. It can’t go anywhere else.
So this extra rain over the Atlantic could be verified by:
– satellite imagery: the North Atlantic Ocean should be unusually cloudy, while the European mainland unusually uncloudy
– wheater reports by pilots crossing the Atlantic: are there more thunderstorms than usually ?
Jim M08/17/2022 •
Overlooked by everyone is the fact that the Grand Canyon is laden with gold and will be much easier to extract when the river levels are low. He who has the gold(and water)will control the world.
Some Old Guy in the UK08/17/2022 •
Greg: I really like the way you take the trouble to write detailed summary introductions for your videos. This is something few people seem to do now: presenting their videos with only a title. I realise these summaries take extra effort and thought, but I think you should know that the additional effort you take is appreciated.
Greg Hunter08/17/2022 •
Thanks, UK!! You made my day!!
MLK08/17/2022 •
Just like the earthquake weapons, there is no such thing. All of the world cannot produce enough power to make it happen.
So far here in North Texas, all the news about the weather has been exaggerated. We are actually experiencing a cooler than the average (for my 42 years of living here) weather. Sure we had a few days of high temperatures. But, back in the 80s it had worse summers.
The previous two summers here have been unusually cool. All of the data you are seeing about heat is because they have moved the historical data to include the temperature for the last mini-ice age. They actually claim the normal high temperatures for our area is a high of 84° F.
My experience – from the third week in June to the third week in Sept, we have high temperatures above 100°F every day. It’s unusual for a high temperature to be below 100° F.
The day I was born in KCMO (1954) the high temperature for that day was 104° F in KC.
So, relax and ignore all the BS.
CATHY08/17/2022 •
So frustrating! We need devine intervention.
1996 MILITARY DOCUMENT Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025
NEVILLE08/17/2022 •
Yet another nail into the coffin of AAcrime. Greg , you remind me of Robert Stack who played the role of Elliot ness in the untouchables…….This is obviously way before your time as the series ran in the 1950’s .Anyway Elliots job was to hunt down the mob who by todays standards were just a bunch of hoods .Todays cabal which are more evil than that mob are having a field day of trying to provoke our LORD GOD ALMIGHTY ,WHO AT THE BAT OF AN EYELID COULD WIPE THIS scum OUT.
The Gospel must be preached to as many people as possible so that many lives could be saved when the time comes for THE SECOND COMING.
I thank Dane for all his hard work and warning which he has put out.Things really are as bad as he says.Thank you too Greg for bringing these crimes to your readers attention.
PAUL08/17/2022 •
Thanks for having Dane on.
Sinister for sure, since 1940’s been considered as another weapon.
The bad apples have away inadvertently of
Supposing others are tainted. False. It’s applied to countries leaders thinking it’s populations are of same mind . False.
Any guest you bring forth is a blessing to us.
Ps. My last impeach joe Biden road sign
Was mysteriously cut down, and it is on my property. Using steel and chain this time.
Paul from arkansas
Roger Stamper08/17/2022 •
tks dane greg
eddiemd08/17/2022 •
Drought not only limited to North America and Mexico.
Europe America Africa quite wormwood yet.
Johnny Cool08/17/2022 •
Water levels on Italy’s Lake Garda drop to 15-year low as drought continues…
Sylvia Sires08/17/2022 •
A channel I follow on Youtube was in Las Vegas 2 or 3 weeks ago was walking for many blocks showing the large Casino Hotels. What surprised me is their building more casinos everywhere!!! It’s the Satanists that control the world that are causing all the havoc that’s happening to bring in the Globalist NWO. We keep asking for help from the very people who are causing it. They’re destroying the earth with the geoengineering and the electromagnetic energy weapons. HAARP, ground radars and Satellite microwaves! When Trump was elected I wrote him 10 different letters pleading with him to stop the geoengineering also called SAI “Stratosphere Aerosol Injection” weather weapons. NOT ONE REPLY!! Google John Brennan and Geoengineering. I know this will upset everyone but Trump is a member of the Worlds Secret Religion. That’s why he became President. You will know them by their symbols and signs. They show their symbols with hands and fingers. Fauci is one of them too. He showed the “hidden hand’ symbol on the small stage in the Press Room at the White house!! Trump also uses two hand symbols, the pyramid and the 666. Their laughing in our faces! There’s proof but I think it was deleted. They are LIARS because they worship Satan who is the father of LIES. That’s why nobody gets arrested. Everything is a SHOW! It’s not new it’s 3 centuries old here in the USm Mar A Logo is a HOAX, there is no Real two party system, it’s the two headed Eagle with one stomach. Their all LIARS and RICH! Satan tempted Jesus and told him “I will give you all the worlds kingdoms if you’ll worship me.” Jesus said, It is written you shall worship thy Lord God only.
eddiemd08/17/2022 •
Forest fires as a terrorist weapon. The terrorists being factions within our own .gov and foreign sleepers already inside the USA.
It is a very effective tool for antifa, blm, and others to light it up. I would even say that the domestic terrorists antifa, blm, environment nazis can use fire as a weapon and blame it on the right side of politics. They have already proven this by burning down cities in summer 2020. I suspect that this will be making a comeback in the very near future as November 2022 approaches.
Sylvia Sires08/17/2022 •
For the Satanists, evil is good!
Jackie Pollock08/17/2022 •
Greg, thank you for this great interview with Dane Wigington. Dane is a dedicated fighting warrior in this war with the evil efforts behind geoengineering against our country and everywhere on our planet. He needs to be listened to and believed in what he is talking about. Everyone needs to look up and to go to his website to learn all you need to know about the destruction going on all around us.
What i don’t understand is how can all the people in these geoengineering operations continue on without realizing they too are included with all of us and all life in the deadly destructive results they are producing – how do they think they are separated from the deadly results they are producing??
Great report Greg, Dane.
PersonaNonGrata08/17/2022 •
Hi Jackie,
“What i don’t understand is how can all the people in these geoengineering operations continue on without realizing they too are included with all of us and all life in the deadly destructive results they are producing.”
This is indeed a conundrum. Are the perpetrators stupid? They are certainly inbred! Do they intend to live in underground luxury for the next century? The damage being done to the biosphere due to spraying non-biodegradable nano particles, coupled with the emission of ever more destructive microwaves (5G), is becoming evident with noticeably less insects and small birds. Are the perpetrators otherworldly? Their reckless stewardship of this planet makes one consider almost any possibility . . .
Kenneth A. Culp, CPA08/17/2022 •
Dane needs to explain why the geo-engineering is targeting the U.S. Southwest.
Greg Hunter08/17/2022 •
He says he does not know, but they are doing it. That’s clear.
PAUL08/17/2022 •
Rio grande valley has enormous vegetable production.
With its desert conditions in Southwest not hard to tip scale of moisture?
I am glad cheney got the boot
Paul from arkansas
Jerry08/17/2022 •
See my post from above. It’s about food processing. Never mind how populated Phoenix and Las Vegas is. Water ….food….are always weaponized anytime despots seize power.
Scott08/17/2022 •
Mr. Wigington is the greatest humanitarian of our times. Unfortunately, most in the western world do not know who he is, and are unfamiliar with his critical work. And, time is running out …
Aaron08/17/2022 •
Climate change pumpers and radical tree huggers will never add into their idiotic calculations truths or real facts. They won’t consider geo engineering, sun activity, seasons or anything intelligent for that matter. They vote the same way also.
Going to Hell"in'ah"HANDBASKET?08/17/2022 •
Video Captures Something Mysterious Moving Amongst the Clouds In Broad Daylight
What is that?
There are lots of theories about what UFOS, or “unidentified flying objects” truly are. Some are sure they are extraterrestrial visitations, aliens come to Earth to scope us out, either for research or planning a possible invasion. Others think that UFOs are merely government spy planes so classified that even Congress has no idea they exist. Some believe that UFOs are the crafts that belong to a secret people, a race of humans or superhuman who live separately from the rest of the world. And a couple believe that UFOs are the vehicles for a trans dimensional species that can zip in and out of portals at will. A species so fantastical, that they might as well be angels.
Wait, angels?
Why not, because there’s a book of books that covers years of human history and angels have played a part! WATCH VIDEO HERE; angels holding back 4 winds, according to the Bible’s count of time, mankind has completed over 6,000 years of existence on earth. Yes, the first man Adam, if he had chosen to remain obedient under God’s rulership, would still be alive and over 6,000 years old.
Does this mean, then, that mankind has now reached 6,000 years into the 7,000-year period that God ‘blessed and made sacred’ as his great “rest day”? Does it mean that Christ’s millennial Kingdom rule, as the final 1,000 years of that “rest day,” is to be reckoned from the end of that 6000 years—Gen. 1:27, 31; 2:2, 3; Rev. 20:1-6.
No, it does not mean that. Why not? Well, the Bible record shows that God’s creations on the “day” just preceding that 7,000-year “rest day” did not end with Adam’s creation. It shows a time lapse between the creation of Adam and that of his wife, Eve. During that time, God had Adam name the animals. Whether that period amounted to weeks or months or years, or even decades we do not know. So we do not know exactly when God’s great “rest day” began, nor do we know exactly when it will end. The same applies to the beginning of Christ’s millennial reign. The Bible provides us no way to fix the date, and so it does us no good to speculate when that date may be.—Gen. 2:18-25; Matt. 24:42, 44.
However, the Bible’s time clock does indicate to us that 6,000 years of human history did end and is past. Early in God’s “rest day” Adam became a rebel against God-rule. Thus, for the most part, the first 6,000 years of man’s history have been marked by man-rule. What did man’s independent rulership accomplish during those six millenniums of time? Absolutely nothing⁉ LIVE | Blast in Crimea | Did Ukraine attack Russian military base?
WION News 702,402 views Streamed live on Aug 10, 2022
Felix08/17/2022 •
I commend dane for his hard work and passion for the work he does and we truthers know its true but these satanic powers are not going to stop what they are doing.Most politicians sold their souls to the devil for power and money.I was just outside and they are chemtrailing this morning.I can’t watch this guy anymore,thank you though.We don’t need anymore fear mongering.I do not live in fear I have been down the rabbit hole since 2003 and it can get quite depressing but I know GOD wins in the end.These scumbags are lucky I am not judge ,jury and executioner or I would depopulate the lineage of the nephilim single handidly.These fallen angels will burn for eternity.GOD bless all,we can only try to be good stewards of GODS earth.People do your research on flat earth,I believe it is real.The world is a stage
Chief of Supply08/17/2022 •
The American south west was a dried up hole for millions of years.
Where is your hard evidence?
Susan R08/17/2022 •
I hold my hand to the sky with my middle finger pointed up at a jet spraying death.
Emily08/17/2022 •
Besides “waking people up” and hoping that the treasonous military will “do the right thing” does Dane offer any solutions or actionable advice?
charles08/17/2022 •
I’m in central Iowa and where we are we are about 5 inches below normal so we’re ok for now but other parts of Iowa are 10-20 inches below normal and as I travel around the state you can really see the dry conditions. A few weeks ago I was traveling on US 20 near Souix City and i stopped to get gas and a man told me they have had dry conditions for two years or more. And we often see chem trails in the sky where we live and we’re not close to any airports. Just the east west traveling Jets at high altitudes. Some days the entire sky is covered with them. Crazy if you ask me. Ordinary people have no idea that there is anything going on. But its like everything else you can’t talk to people about anything controversial. You can barely even talk about the weather except to say its hot or cool. My wife has to go into the hospital for a sleep apnea soon. She has to be tested for covid. No symptoms. Just standard procedure.
Roger That08/17/2022 •
There is information that will hurt when you hear it. This is part of that information. These are the times we are in.
Atomic #8208/17/2022 •
In the 1990’s, in California, I saw a bumper sticker on a car that read, “Have you shot a Politician today”. Seems like the atomic number 82 will have some potential to stop geoengineering in it’s tracks. Words only go so far on deaf ears. They are constantly in motion to injure us and we constantly do nothing.
Doug W08/17/2022 •
What has to be done is to save Lake Mead is…..and it has to be done and it sounds dumb is……in back the Hoover Dam, even before lake Mead maybe, and it will be a massive project, even bigger then the dam itself is………………… they, the federal government , have to make a earth make dam, made
of rock, it would have to to just a large as the dam itself and to stop the river, letting to river to back to pre drought level. It make take to few years. Some of the water will have to go by this dam to keep the dam going. But I can hear, what about to dam and producing electricity ? Below to dam , they make another smaller rock dam to hold water and they recycle the water by pumping to same water back behind the dam. ( I can hear too, these massive pumps will need a lot of electricity, you know , that’s what the dam is making. ) The rest of the river past to dam will to have be left high and dry. It’s has to be DONE !!!!!!
Jimmy08/17/2022 •
I think it is not the HAARP, but Doppler is causing the change in the weather pattern. Sure heavy rain in the Southwest will have serious flood and it will be affect millions in the region. Somebody says earthquake is not a weapon, how do you explain the Direct Energy Weapon/Crowd Control and High voltage affects the earth quakes?,—Direct-Energy-Weapon:f
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Greg is the producer and creator of Greg Hunter’s The site’s slogan is “analyzing the news to give you a clear picture of what’s really going on.” The site will keep an eye on the government, your financial interests and cut through the media spin. is neither Democrat nor Republican, Liberal or Conservative. Before creating and producing the site, Greg spent nearly 9 years as a network and investigative correspondent. He worked for ABC News and Good Morning America for nearly 6 years. Most recently, Greg worked for CNN for shows such as Paula Zahn Now, American Morning and various CNN business shows.
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Radical Drought Caused by Military Weather Weapons – Dane Wigington
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