Passing on a tip..take it or trash it..I Don't want to debate.
My so was hired to do videography coverage for a documentary on past Friday. It was a conclave of well known
Conservatives, Christians and medical people.
The political people were some of the highest rollers in conservative circles, including close associates to Pres
Trump. They were folks including advisers, former generals etc..virtually all who had suffered for their association with him.
What I want to share is from the medical folks, primarily a doctor well versed on Covid.
During a break of the doings, my son spoke with one of the doctors who shared the platform. My son explained that since he experienced Covid, his senses of taste and smell have gone haywire, and he wondered what he could do about it.
The doctor said he should ignore a bit of previous medical advice. In their studies, they found that tobacco
smokers rarely suffered this after-effect.
Ironically, nicotine seems to be the answer. My son doesn't use tobacco... but he does not have to start smoking either.
Th doctor said he can chew that chewing gum that helps break the smoking habit, because it contains a small
amount of nicotine. Or he could even use the patch that people use to break the smoking habit.
The Doc said, a few days use should take care of the problem.
I only offer this in an attempt to pass on what the doctor said..and don't care to debate the issue.
You can Take it or trash it !