I had to take a break for several weeks. I had four skin cancers removed and one was on the left side of my neck and the wound as doctors call it ran from the bottom of my ear to my shoulder. It took three whacks to get it all according to MOS. No big deal until I stared rejecting the stitches, it became abscessed, and I took three doses of antibiotics to get rid of the abscess. The antibiotics made me really not like to be out in the sun so no cactus hunting for a time. All's good now and I got a load this morning. With the rain we had in late August and the first week of September the are fat, juicy and bright green. That makes them easier to find in the semi-jungle my pasture has become. Thinking we probably wouldn't get much rain the rest of the year I had brush hogged part of the place and I noticed this morning that I can't ever tell where I had been before it rained. I like having the room I do but sometimes it becomes a big chore to keep it cleaned up I am not sure how many more years I am going to be up to the task as it takes me at least twice as long to get things done as it did even ten years ago. If slo jo and company continue in power I'll probably be too broke to hire it done before long. Let it grow and ignore I guess will be my solution.