. . .But I do know that decriminalizing crimes that wiser generations before me set as law for our own good, serves no purpose. We don't need a wilder, looser society, we need a smarter one. That seems like a silly fantasy, especially given what's going on in the world today.
Thanks for listening.
JMO- the downturn of our society is
directly related to lowering of standards
that was done in the name of "equality ".
Instead of allowing the talented and gifted
to rise and flourish, we held everybody
else back to let the field "catch up"
There's a great number of things that
need to be changed back to the way things
were in prosperous or boom years, but
the main thing I see on my end is that
we desperately to return to merit based hiring.
I don't know how to fix the problem of drug abuse
and addiction. There's a bunch now that really don't
want to stop abusing drugs and a bunch like the
guy that was living across the way that have that
as their life's occupation