I am not convinced either way..but I am not concerned by them that much. My younger brother and I saw a craft which neither of us could identify.
It was only acouple hundred feet from us and only perhaps 75 feet off the ground...and larger than a locomotive, although of a very efficent shape. It moved from pehaps 30 mph to super velocity in seconds....while making no discernable sound.
I won't say motre, because I'm relatively sure the critics are already primed to pounce..
I call it a UFO...stressing the U... unidentified. We did not in fact, go around telling people we saw such a craft . ..Matter of fact, we didn't tell anyone about what we saw, for years..and then, only a select few..
Can't say why..other rhan we knew people woiuld ridicule us for trying to describe what we saw.
I suspect some of these sightings have substance...because I have seen such....but it doesn't have to be other-worldly, they could be things which our country is building...and testing in plain sight.