Author Topic: Another vote for the Swede  (Read 1500 times)

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Offline DesertRam

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Another vote for the Swede
« on: November 21, 2002, 10:15:51 AM »
I'll throw in for the Swede too.  I had no idea this caliber even existed until about a year and a half ago when I found a beautiful Sako L691 so chambered.  The rifle fit me to a tee and was priced right, so I snagged it.  I've not regretted it since.  Wonderfully accurate (mine loves Barnes XLCs, 120s or 140s with RL19), easily managed recoil, and nice terminal performance.  I've taken a fat TX hog and a small NM muley with it, both one shot, no fuss kills.  Look a little beyond the "paper" ballistics of the Swede and I think you'll be impressed.

Offline Zachary

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which barrel 6.5-55 or
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2002, 08:12:01 AM »
If it's for tartget shooting, it's hard to beat the 6.5.  Granted, the .308 has won many records at target shooting, but the 6.5mm bullet has won it's fair share too.  I would go with the 6.5 as it has much less recoil and thus would be more pleasant to shoot.


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which barrel 6.5-55 or
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2003, 04:11:09 PM »
I too, have to vote for the 6.5X55, it has always been a terrific cartridge.  I have used the cartridge for evrything from gophers to elk without ever a hint of a failure.  I designed an improved 6.5 X 55 with a 40 degree shoulder.  I shoot the 120 grain Remington @ 3060 fps without signs of excessive pressure.  Makes a great cartridge even better but avoid the Nosler Ballistic tip for game like Mule deer and elk. :D

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6.5 X 55 Improved
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2003, 06:16:00 PM »
Thanks for your interest in the cartridge.  I had the reamer made, only a finish reamer as the barrel blank can and shoud be drilled to the approx. proper depth before using the finishing reamer.  I have made up a half dozen or so and have always been pleased with the way they shoot.  I always specify a 1/10 twist in a 22" barrel.  Have used Douglas xx, Shaw's and rechambered Swede's too every one shot less than 1" @ 100 yards.  I got such a deal on Remington 120 grainers that is the only weight I have experimented with.  They do fine work on black bears, Whitetails, Muleys, Pronghorn and elk so I see no reason to persue a heavier bullet.  Dennis Olson of Plains, MT has done all my chambering and fitting.  I make my own stocks.