You can hear in El Paso ,the gunfire thats coming from Mexico . Mexico is one F, ed up place to go. Our stupid college kids go down there and party around. Some never come back.
Been that way there for many years
Juarez has been a ***thole since everybody
had a mule and wagon for their main
Out away from the touristy areas, it's a
3rd world stone age campesino mess
with dirt streets full of animal and human
turds and puddles of pee and vomit.
Every mex border town I've ever been
through is exactly the same in that way.
Folks in the United States have always
turned a deaf ear to the southern border
problems, and called those that called
attention to it dirty names like racist
and nazi, etc.
People have been getting " disappeared "
and slaughtered on both sides of the border
for years and years. It's finally coming to
light because of incidents like this latest
one, and because of the bussing of the
border jumpers to places that were indifferent
to the problem until they received a tiny
share of the problem. They've been murdering
sheriffs and law enforcement and mayors
and all manners of public officials on both
sides of the border for years.
It was going on decades ago when a bunch
of us would go dove hunt and fish and partake
of cheap eats and goods and such, just not
on the scale it is now.
I haven't been on the other side in some
years, and don't intend on going either.
JMHO- I would imagine that the victims
were probably on a "shopping " trip, and
didn't count on having to pay the price
that they ultimately did.
They slaughter each other all around here
every day for the same reasons, and it's
hardly newsworthy any more for whatever