What do you fellers do with your sights when you shoot light loads? Do you call it close enough, or file the sights to bring it to POA? My .44 spls have been filed and are sighted in for 240 gr bullets at 850 fps. I can shoot the same bullet at 750 fps for practice and 950 for hunting and my point of impace only moves a couple of inches. But to drop to 200 grainers would make a significant difference! My Hartford .45 colt is adjusted for 250 gr bullets at 825 fps. When I shoot hunting loads at 925 they are only 1" low, but 230s at 750 hit about 8" low at 15 yds. If I filed the sights for that load, the gun wouldn't be good for anything else. I can't affored to have a single purpose gun, so I shoot standard weight bullets for the caliber at 750 for CAS. Or do you just call it "good enough for who it is for?" (one of my Father-in-laws favorite sayings!) Some of my friends occasionally stick up a bowling pin at 25 yds to shoot at and you better have your sights regulated! 44 Man