I finally took the plunge and ended up trading some unused firearms for a cute little Coehorn mortar that had been sitting in a local gunshop as long as I can remember. It appears to be the one Dixie Gun Works used to sell. I found an old DGW catalog, and the descriptions match: 2 5/16 in steel lining in an iron barrel, OAL about 15 in, about 85 lbs total weight, etc. Now I'm ready to get it ready to fire (of course the guy at the shop wouldn't recommend that, but the DGW catalog says go ahead).
Obviously the first step will be to clean out the light rust from the bore. No questions about how to do that, being a long time muzzleloader.
Next step will be to finish drilling the 1/4 in or so of the vent. The current diameter is 1/4 in according to DGW, but that seems a little large. I plan on using cannon fuse, so should the remaining vent be drilled at 1/8 in?
Now onto charges. DGW says 1 to 2 oz. Any suggestions? Difference between blank and projectile loads. Is wadding needed?
And what about projectiles? I've yet to find any cans that are that exact diameter. A racquet ball is perfect, but I'd be afraid of getting it glommed in there should it melt. Maybe if I filled it with shot, and put a well Criscoed patch, a la a muzzleloading rifle ball around it???
Anyway, all inputs welcome on helping the newbie...