Digger I hear what you are saying, but!!!!!!!!! First of all a good friend in Anchorage had a half wolf, it was a good companion, he loved it dearly. We took it on several camping and fishing trips. He made one of the best and most faithful pets ever owned. Mean time a litter mate was bought by a lady in Wasillia, she claimed that it was a most wonderful pet. That lady had a baby, and with the infant in her arms, she went out to feed her dogs. The half wolf came running up she thought the animal only wanted to sniff the baby. The animal bite the baby in the head killing it instantly. Tragic incident! About that time there were several maulings and attacks by wolf hybrids. Now the state has banned wolf hybrids. Wolf hybrids have been reclassified as wild game and falls under the law that no one can own, or possess one. While there may be a few good ones out there, as a rule they can't be trusted. Also unlike a dog that will bite the first part of a person, like a leg or hand, that they come in contact with. A hybrid goes for the kill, in almost all cases they went for the throut, neck, or head. They still have strong instincts.