Author Topic: SINGLE SIX ACCURACY  (Read 2178 times)

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Offline CASE

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« on: July 22, 2004, 11:27:48 AM »
i inheritated a single six ... ive been shooting stinger 22 lr cci  out of it prob is it will group  then  the group seems to  get erratic ,,  then after a bit the group will go back as it was ... any sugggestions  from other single six users on ammo that they  use .....i feel the stigers are too much    and shoot on and off sometimes ......  :shock:

Offline mellow_1

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« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2004, 01:10:33 PM »
Well my friend congradulations on your new to you single six. I find that my single six does not shoot as well with the faster hyper velocity loads such as remington yellow jackets. So my advice would be to try some high velocity ammo such as win xpert (works for me) or something else.
As far as groups going from good to bad back to good well I am not sure, all I can suggest is try some lower velocity ammos.
Have fun with your gun, I really like my single six and it will shoot better the more you shoot it IMO. Hope this helps, sorry I don't have more answers for you. :D  :grin:  8)

Offline 44 Man

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« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2004, 04:11:55 PM »
I have a Marlin rifle that absolutely loves CCI Stingers (two consuctive 10 shot groups under 3/4" at 35 yds).  However, they seem to group poorly in most of my pistols.  I have had much better luck with Remington Goldens or even Federal bulk hps in most of them.  Only way to know for sure is to buy a bunch of different ammo and try it.  I have a box with over a dozen different kinds of ammo for testing, but I keep coming back to the Remingtons and Federals for all my shooting.  I have a Ruger Bearcat that shot about 3" left with most ammo till I tried the Remingtons.  Bingo!  Shot right where the sights pointed!  The best part of this is you get to shoot a lot to see what your gun likes!  44 Man
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Offline Jerry Lester

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« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2004, 06:44:19 PM »
I'm with 44 Man on this one.

I'm not particularly fond of Remington 22 ammo, but I shoot thousands of the Federal bulk HPs every year, and they've proven to be at least accurate enough in just about every gun I've used them in. The Federals have been very accurate in nearly every Single-Six I've used them in, and my current one (5.5" stainless) absolutely loves them above any other ammo I've tried in it.

The Stingers will shoot good in some rifles, and even semi-auto pistols, but I've never gotten really good results with them in any revolver.

Offline Jim101

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« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2004, 02:34:42 AM »
In my Single-Six (favorite gun to shoot) I use Dynapoints and am happy with the results....I also put a "Ghost Ring" on it and that has improved my grouping...

Ruger 22/45
Ruger Single-Six
Ruger 10/22 SS
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Offline Questor

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« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2004, 03:23:47 AM »
I had one and found it to be very accurate. I never scoped it to find the minimum group size, but it seemed very good.  The 22 magnum cylinder was not as accurate.  Overall it was a very high quality gun.  I sold it because the grips were too small for my hands.
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Offline coltfan

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« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2004, 07:03:35 AM »
I'll also agree with 44mans recomendation, try LOTS of different brands. I recently purchased a S&W model 41, and found that you do need to try lots of different brands of ammo. The difference in different brands is dramatic, even amoung target ammo. You should make a point to try some of the target grades of ammo, not just the cheap stuff. This should be done using some sort of a rest to get the best possible accuracy. Once you find one that shoots extremely well you will at least have a benchmark for your guns accuracy. I find my 41 likes CCI green tag the best, however it is about $8.50 a box of 100. I found CCI standard velocity and Winchester T22 target ammo, shoot the best of the less expensive brands of ammo. The dynapoints are the best of the bargain brands for me. But it seems the cheaper I go, the more the groups open up. For most practice and general plinking I use either the standard velocity or the T22, and when I'm in the mood to really try to drive tacks, I buy a box of Green tag.

Offline Tom C.

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« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2004, 02:07:27 AM »
In addition to everything else, don't forget to keep the barrel clean and free from fouling. I let mine get metal fouled and .22 mag groups went to hell. Because the barrel is slightly oversized to handle the .22 mags, I have had better luck with softer bullets that slug up more easily. PMC .22 ammo seems to shoot well.

Offline BUGEYE

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« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2004, 06:31:51 AM »
could you be a little more specific as to how you installed a ghost ring.
I have a eaa bounty hunter and would really like a peep sight.
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Offline Jim101

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« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2004, 07:01:34 AM »

The rear sight on the single-six is adjustable, so, I just slid out the blade and inserted the "ring" great..

Ruger 22/45
Ruger Single-Six
Ruger 10/22 SS
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Offline Bang

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« Reply #10 on: August 05, 2004, 06:48:12 PM »
My SS likes Federal Lighting's and CCI Velocitor's in 22LR and Federal 50 grain JHP's and Winchester Suprreme's in 22 mag.

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Offline ZVP

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S/SX accuracy
« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2004, 08:02:52 PM »
My 6.5 inch "Army" loves the magnums!
 The standard R/F  bullet is a couple thousandths smaller.  I simply use Winchesters Wildcat lead solid point. Soft, and expand to the rifling well enough for meduim range hunting and plinking.
 The Winchester H/P Copper jacketed ammo is most accurate so far, but i need to test some modern .22WMR heavyweights now!!!
 The Single Six in any barrel length, is a fine  and trustworthy companion, it'll never let you down!
 Remember: Six of anything in the Rugers Magnum Wheel, is more power than a British Officer  had in 1917, when armed with a fully loaded Break-Top, Webley in .38-200!  

Offline Rogue Ram

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Do you have the right cylinder in it?
« Reply #12 on: August 21, 2004, 01:09:24 PM »
Didn't see if anyone brought this up or not, but seriously........I bought one used several years back with one cylinder and it didn't even dawn on me that it was the magnum cylinder!   :oops:   Sprayed all over the place.  Magnum loads are another matter.  Just a thought...........


Offline pathfinder

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« Reply #13 on: October 03, 2004, 04:33:41 AM »
How does the accuracy of the Single Six compare to a similar barrel length Mark II?

Everytime I see a Single Six I want one...

Offline magooch

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« Reply #14 on: October 04, 2004, 03:49:13 AM »
Quote from: pathfinder
How does the accuracy of the Single Six compare to a similar barrel length Mark II?

Everytime I see a Single Six I want one...

Relative accuracy will vary from gun to gun, but generally speaking, my experience is that either gun is more accurate than the shooter.  I own the target model Mark II and a Single Six.  Both guns are extremely accurate, but I would have to say that the Mark II is a bit easier to shoot accurately.  I love my Single Six though, especially since I have learned how to shoot it accurately.

By the way Pathfinder, what part of the state do you live in?  I'm in the southwest part.