Author Topic: "If I knew I was going to live this long..."  (Read 130 times)

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Online ironglow

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"If I knew I was going to live this long..."
« on: August 06, 2023, 09:04:47 AM »
  "I would have traken better care of myself" complete the well worn sentence..

  Yes, as I look  back, somehow I worked most of my life at dangerous, body breaking choice.  So here I would like to start an thread, where anybody can contribute their dangerous jobs.  There are plenty out there...

  #1)  Being raised on a farm, which had dangers of it's own, part of my job was working the woods in winter,  So many ways to get hurt or killed.
   Of course, most was by horses, rather than tractor.  We had no chain saw..just a "misery whip' crosscut saw...  Felling trees, skidding logs (stay on
    the uphill side), "widow makers', axe incidents and horse accidents, plus body busting work.  Here is a video found on the web and made currently 
     here in NY, that shows just about what it entailed.  Long video, but one can just skim through, hitting highlights if they wish.

  Our horses were fairly docile and not prone to being flighty.  A nervous horse, can take off hands and fingers while hitching up.  Dad would never put his teams in "horse pull" competition, because it makes them too nervous in their eagerness to "get a jump' on the competition.   

   Here is a short clip of horse pulling. One can easily see that jumpy horses could take pieces of the teamster with them during the hookup

  Note:  As soon as the horses get near the pulling sled, they start getting "nervous and jerky"..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)