Of course, that seems to assume that the deep snow freas don't have high winds. Don't forget..chicago is called the "windy city", even though statistically, Buffalo is even windier.
Just as the open plains allow winds to generate...so the open Great Lakes allow winds to build, especially those places east of the Great Lakes.
It is also what allows vapors coming off the lakes form int voluminous snow storms, and dump to the east of the lakes.
Here is a very interesting, 6 minute video that captures the storm and the spirit of the storm life during tghe blizzard of '77. We were for the most part, closed down for a week to week and a half..depending upon individusl situations.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fL7eXnIqUV4 Skim through the timeline on the bottom of the video..to catch any highlights..