I've got Leupold two piece mounts on my Rem and am happy, the Rem has no open sights so I never bothered with detachables. If you want an all-round scope and it must be a variable go the 2-7x way, 2x is great in the scrub, 4x is great in the open and 7x is great for.... rabbits at 250m? Seriously though, I suppose 7x may be useful, I'm just not sure when; and knowing my luck I'd have it cranked up when I need a wide-open field of view and fast. Too many people are also tempted to screw the magnification up and down to "suit conditions" and I HATE HATE HATE hunters that use the 9x on their scopes to view objects rather than their binoculars. As Lawdog said, in the end it's a personal thing.