Big Paulie.
The 85 gr Nosler Ballistic TIp is the perfect pill for long range varmints, and the .25-06 is
one of the better choices to get it there, as far as I am concerned. On antelope, and deer,
I would use step up to 100-115 gr Barnes TSX, but I would not be afraid to use the 85 gr
NBT, on antelope, or deer, if for some reason it was my only choice. I would be careful
on shot placement, not to hit heavy bone before I hit vitals. Sure on smaller varmints,
something in 55 gr, and .224" diameter would be easier on the shoulder, and the
wallet, but just the sight of a hit on the varmint with the 85 gr NBT is worth some of
that cost :lol: The first load I worked up for my .25-06 was the 85 gr Nosler Ballistic
Tip, because I intended to use it as a coyote gun. I have worked up 100 and 115 gr loads
for bigger game, but when I want to practice, or want to take out that chuck, pulling
up fresh grain sprouts, on the far side of the field, the 85 gr NBT is in the chamber.