I was looking at Tire Rack to check on tires. (cheapest place I have found)
My Kumho All-Season while not near tech. mileage time to replace, if you wait till then they will cost more, ditto for my Michelin snow tires.
Both tires have been discontinued.
The Kumhos have been replaced by a tire that has been shown to be even better in tests, BUT , Michelin has discontinued the Xi3 snow tires and no longer offer a 15 inch snow tire that is large enough for my car.
I run 215/15, the largest snow tire in 15 inches they offer now 195 which is a different diameter than the ones I use that are with in a few MM of the size the car came from the factory with.
Michelin has a 40,000 mile warranty on there snow tires, which is nice , even if one never has to use it, plus they have discount specials several time a year.
As Bridgestone and Michelin offer snow tires that are absolutely better than the competition, in that order, I guess I will be buying Bridgestone Blizzak.
One good thing is I did not have to put on the snow tires this year so they will last one year longer, but, I still best buy a new set in the near future as prices are going up fast, but, but, my Kumho have near 30,000 miles on a so called 50,000 mile tire so I had best deal with them first.
I do not buyn All-Season for mileage or ride, I buy them for how good they are in snow before I get my snow tires on and the new model of Kumho are the best by far in the snow.