The ''woke'' people, in my opinion, have never had reality in front of them. Kind of like living in a dream world. Everything has been handed to them without consequences. Never had to work a swing shift for 20-30 years, drive a semi through snow or ice storms for tens of thousands of miles, never seen a love one die, and was with them when they did. Cut the umbilical cord when their child took his first breath. Been shot at, or seen your father getting his head stitched up when a hood rat hit him with pistol. Carried a casket for a friend that died decade's to soon. Pulled a car over for going to fast, not knowing if the driver will pull out his drivers license, or a gun. They think the world revolves around them, and when it doesn't, spoiled little brat starts a tantrum. Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times!!