oh i agree totally but wonder if it wouldnt just split the country worse. theres sure a couple that have to go no matter the consequences but a full on house cleaning would turn this country inside out. just look how many idiots protested for Palestine that didnt have any money in the game or for the most part dont even know whats going on. cant imagine what the evil leftists would do over something that takes more of their dwindling power away. best thing trump can do is brush off those idiots, close the border, start sending back illegals, open gas production right up, throw out all bidens green energy and ev policy's, and strengthen our military. these are WAY more important then revenge. Revenge will be had when people can afford to fill their tanks, buy groceries and feel safe in their back yards. those things would hurt the left much more than some judge or appointed official being canned. his revenge will be this country electing him again even after being attack illegally on every side. that will just kill some of the leftist leaders that orchestrated this bull crap. that will be our revenge too. it will be the greatest loss in the history of the democratic party and may cripple it forever.
Trump should do all those positive things, from oil production to cleaning up our military. As I said, not revenge, but justice.. Nothing was done
after Ruby Ridge or Waco either Two very egregious violations of our constitution..
A sniper at Ruby ridge, who shot Vicki weaver in the face, while she was holding a baby innone hand and a screen door innthe other. Any US
sniper who did that in Iraq or Afghanistan..would be facing charges before he got back to the FOB ! The government snioer said he thought
Randy or Harris were going to shoot at an FBI helicopter..so he shot Vicki in theface... some sniper
Then there was the near 100 people killed (many burned) when govt forces attacked the Mount Carmel compound. Their excuse? They THOUGHT
the Branch Davidians were stockpiling weapons. Note: no reporter allowed upon the scene, until it was cleaned up and bulldozed over.
Then we went on to incidents, such as Benghazi and 30,000 E-mails erased..now a sham trial of a former president.
Notice he was not charged for some years...until they realized he may run for president again !
If some of these dishonest politicians do not get a taste of their own "justice", they will continue until they are completely out of office...and
even then, others will replace them.
They should get their just deserts...no matter whether, Demonrat or Repugnican...