Keep in mind, as a general situation, women are more emotional than men, and thus a good share of them can be moved by emotions, doubtful or false accusations, ..or even "mean tweets"
Men by nature, are more logical..and thus tend to examine and see what is at the root of any given event. In other words.."What do they
do?"..rather than "what do they say ?" ...or "what is said about them?"
I have noticed that daily company can change a man if he is not careful.. A man who works at a place which is heavily weighted with women, he
should be cautious that he doesn't start in mimicking the women in their views, habits and opinions
After working a heavy, hard construction work most of my life, for the last few years before retiring , I went to work with a "fortune 500"
corporation where the employees were about 20% men and 80% women..
I was too old a aman to get into the same groove, many of the long term men employees got into. Thes life long workers with women, seemed to
take on women's traits.. Petty "cat fights", "gossip fun" and an effeminate look at life.
Not saying all men who work in such a situation behave like school girls...but many do. Especially at risk seem to nbe government workers, school teachers and social workers, to name a few.
Nor am I saying all women are "emotion driven", because in my circle, few of them are ..and they are a joy..