Oh yes..the famous verse."Judge not, that you be not judged" (Matthew 7:1) Likely the most abused and misused verse in the Bible..
Remember.."text out of context is too often, just pretext."
So, let's place the versein context... Go ahead and read verses 1-5.. Simply put, in vs 3,4..until the Christian has done all he can to remove any
egregious "plank" from his own life (eye), he has no grounds to pick at the "speck" from another's life.
..But vs 5 says that once you remove the plank from your own eye, then you may see clear enough to see the speck in your brother's eye..
THis passage of course, only discusses how a Christian must treat a brother..
Don't think for one moment that either Biden or Harris are the sharpest tacks in the box.... and I wouldn't mind telling them so.