Red State here. No pushing at all on vehicles. Power is about 20-25% nuclear, 10% hydro, and about 60% natural gas, with a little coal still being used and a little solar. Not windy enough here for windmills.
If they are going to push solar, wish they would put them above parking lots. Cars get real hot here in summer during shopping. There is enough parking lots and flat top buildings to probably power the whole state. Problem with solar, is the newer solar panels have come way down in price. It is the battery backup system (commercial tractor-trailer sized) that is the biggest costs. However most power is needed during the hot summer afternoons when the sun is shining. So, a minimum of solar panels would help.
I am on Alabama Power, which is part of the Southern Company which also owns Georgia Power, Gulf States Power (Florida panhandle), and Mississippi Power. North Alabama is covered by TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority, Federal government owned). I say sell it off to help pay for the national debt, as well as selling other government property that is not being used by the government, such as grasslands and forests. Forests could be sold to states and state forests over a period of time to be used to pay down the debt, grasslands to ranchers, but not foreign countries, companies, or citizens. Some land could be given to the poor for homesteading and get them off the government dole.