Pres Trump held his first cabinet meeting today..and opened with prayer, said by Scott Turner, secretary of HUD.. !
I wasn't making light of you, I am genuinely interested in how any of Pres Trump's actions have made life more difficult for the
average working Alaskan!
Perhaps if you would explain specifically, what case you arte referring to, I could understand better.
Surely, now that he has opened offshore drilling and is about to open ANWR to drilling, that should help Alaskans greatly.
Such operations will bring much prosperity to AK..just as it did with the original pipeline.
On the original pipeline, my brother went to AK and was one of the top mechanics for the diesel equipment on the line. His sons, those old
enough to work, made great wages. One in diesel mechanics and another working at auxillary jobs, operating heavy equipment.
His eldest son, when the pipeline was finished, got his pilot's license and became a far ranging diesel mechanic. When some group, somewhere in
Alaska was stymied with a diesel repair problem..he would fly to that location and help with his expertise. Later; took a position with the Alaska
government, teaching natives mechanical skills. He is retired now, and living back here..
My brother-in-law drove the ice road during construction..and when the job was done, started his own small trucking company, running grocery
produce between Fairbanks and Seattle. Sadly, he and my sister have both passed.
If the Dems don't keep throwing roadblocks and the drilling starts there..there will be plenty of non oil field jobs in sales and service industries..
Restaurants, hardwares, clothing, hotel and other service jobs, just to mention a few.
So, tell me..what kind of work was your friend put out of by way of Pres Trump's actions in office thus far ?