Not true about Obama.
True about Biden. What was the root of Biden’s inflation problems? COVID.
Who botched the COVID response which lead to inflation problems?
Always an excuse.. blame Covid...more appropriately "the Chinese virus"...language Biden & Co. devised to avoid "offending" Biden's buddies !
...And perhaps, his benefactors?
Sure Liz dug up some alleged "studies' to affirm his/her/it's point.. ...But one thing we learned about such "studies" in recent years, seems to
be.."he who pays the best, too often get their desired results."
Consider the study made to reinforce the "Russian dossier" and the 51 now fired, "experts" who swore that hunter was being accused of things he
did not do. The left has seemed to have forgotten that Americans are onto the "studies" scam, and have learned by being observant, and to assess truth
by what they experience and feel in their wallet.
Tarriffs... one thing for sure, Donald Trump ... ART OF THE DEAL...He wrote the book !! When hit with a tariff, most will buckle quickly,
just as Columbia did , when their boss had overnight to ruminate on the situation !
I doubt there will be many who will want to play "chicken" with Trump, in the tariff world series, and I doubt but what Trump has it all figured out.
For example, The Columbian president was playing checkers, while Trump was playing chess.
There should be enough tradeoffs where as Dixie dude said, the cut of taxes should make up any shortfall in our yearly budgets.
I am willing to pay more to bring various industries back to the USA..since China is our most likely enemy in any given world war.
We sure would be in a fix, if we had to fihght China..and all our needed steel, pharmaceuticals, and many other defense needs were only made in
China !
This may be strange language to the dedicated leftist, but I don't want the enemy holdiung all the cards if/when war breaks out..
Sure, letting the enemy do all the manufacturing fits into the WEF/globalist dreams, because trhey have delusions of building their own
restricted "paradise" on this earth..with them on top, and we as carpets to tread upon.
...Any third grade student in Sunday School, can tell them they will have no success building a "Paradise" opn this earth !
He or she (either gender) can also tell them, that on the grand scale, they have far more to worry about..concerning their very souls...