Author Topic: How corrupt is the U.S  (Read 99 times)

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Offline DDZ

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How corrupt is the U.S
« on: February 13, 2025, 01:49:08 AM »
Not long ago Ukraine was considered one of the most corrupt nations. I think we are right up there with them in government corruption.

Massive fraud is exposed by Musk and Trump and the left is furiously melting down! Does this not reveal their consciousness of guilt?
By Patricia McCarthy

That the Democrat party ran Kamala Harris as their candidate for president should have been a serious wake-up call for the party faithful.

The woman was perhaps the most unqualified person ever to run for that office, second only to Joe Biden.

The incalculable damage done by their term in office has yet to be fully understood.

The Biden family was and is a criminal enterprise; the whole truth of the depth of their corruption will eventually become common knowledge.

Now that President Trump is back in office and has enlisted Elon Musk to unravel the astronomical government waste of taxpayer money, the Democrats are exhibiting the tantrum of a lifetime.

The unimaginable billions of dollars that have been pilfered from the American people by corrupt pols by illegal, reprehensible means, either to enrich themselves by subterfuge or to fund absurdly anti-American projects is coming to light.

Most of those billions likely went into the pockets of those affiliated with USAID, that nebulous and murky agency set up by JFK in 1961 that has become the money pit of all money pits.

Much of the nearly $37 trillion of U.S. debt has likely gone into that pit and made many of the snakes that live there exceedingly rich.  The agency’s operation has been systematic theft, massive theft, for decades.

But the Democrats are vociferously defending the indefensible.

Do they not realize that their rage indicates their guilt?

Their intent to mount a cover-up?  If what is happening were a T.V. movie, the Democrats’ hysteria would be comical.

They are making it so obvious that their frenzy is based in abject fear, fear that their participation in that vast scheme will be discovered and made public.

Let us all hope it does.

As Musk has asked, how do so many bureaucrats and politicians with $100,000+ salaries become multi-millionaires (Nancy Pelosi, Elizbeth Warren, Richard Blumenthal, for example)?

Good question.

Now we think we know; the same way Volodymyr Zelensky and those Ukrainian oligarchs have become millionaires – by larceny and graft.

Now we know that our country is every bit as corrupt as all those other third-world nations.  We now know too that many thousands of those who have financially benefitted from the scam that is USAID knew just how corrupt it has been and is; phony NGOs, imaginary grants for silly projects like Sesame Steet in Iraq and promoting transgenderism in foreign nations.

Given the facts that have been released so far, likely the tip of the iceberg, and considering the crazed furor among the Democrats, one must conclude that they have long known about, and have benefitted financially from the monstrous scheme that has bilked the American taxpayers out of probably hundreds of billions of dollars that might have gone to provide needed services to Americans.   

What of the veterans, the homeless population, hurricane victims, East Palestine, securing the border, infrastructure, fire departments, needed law enforcement, etc., the many causes that have gone unattended for the alleged lack of funds.

The American people have been royally screwed and USAID is just one agency.

How much has the Department of Education wasted to be in 40th place educationally among Western nations but first in spending per pupil?

What will we learn once DOGE tries to conduct an audit on the Pentagon, then to the hundreds of other useless agencies? The results will likely be stupefying.

Thousands of the people employed by all those agencies do not even go to work.  The fabricated, or at least greatly exaggerated, COVID pandemic paved the way for employees to stay home and still collect a paycheck.

Many of those got full-time second jobs.  The make-work, made-up jobs that many likely do not even do must be declared over and done.

Thus, the frightened agitation on the left.

How many of their family members will suddenly lose an unearned salary?  How many recipients of government agency money will be exposed for taking untold millions for doing absolutely nothing?  Surely some of these grifters will be prosecuted for their crimes.

Ayn Rand wrote that:

When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing - When you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors - When you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don't protect you against them, but protect them against you - When you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice - You may know that your society is doomed.

She certainly was prescient.  She nailed the current state of our nation.   

President Trump and Elon Musk are uniquely gifted and talented to save our society from doom.  Democrats need to sit back and think about their children and grandchildren, not their own legal vulnerability.

All of their far-left misguided policies have brought us low.

May they stop worrying about their own crimes being disclosed, their own gravy train ending, and consider the salvation of the country.
Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.    Wm. Penn

Offline NWBear

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Re: How corrupt is the U.S
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2025, 02:25:44 AM »
I look forward to the actual DETAILS of this corruption…. Who, where, when, how much SPECIFICALLY!

I also wonder how they “ audited” an agency this large in a couple of weeks when they couldn’t finish “auditing” President Trump’s tax returns IN YEARS!

Online Mule 11

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Re: How corrupt is the U.S
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2025, 02:30:09 AM »
Yet many voted for more of the same (for whatever their foolish reason may be). Voting for kamala was voting for george soros, faucci, obama, pelosi, schumer, and the likes, I.E. the destruction of our once great nation. Yet, for some strange reason, these fools think they are deserving of respect…

Online Mule 11

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Re: How corrupt is the U.S
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2025, 02:31:26 AM »
I look forward to the actual DETAILS of this corruption…. Who, where, when, how much SPECIFICALLY!

I also wonder how they “ audited” an agency this large in a couple of weeks when they couldn’t finish “auditing” President Trump’s tax returns IN YEARS!

First you have to pull your head out of your MSM…

Offline DDZ

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Re: How corrupt is the U.S
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2025, 03:11:41 AM »
I look forward to the actual DETAILS of this corruption…. Who, where, when, how much SPECIFICALLY!

I also wonder how they “ audited” an agency this large in a couple of weeks when they couldn’t finish “auditing” President Trump’s tax returns IN YEARS!

So you think the corruption, with tax dollars isn't real? In the next 10 years we will owe 14 trillion in interest payments, and you are worried about Trumps tax returns.  When will you democrats ever wake up from your slumber? 
Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.    Wm. Penn
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Offline ironglow

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Re: How corrupt is the U.S
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2025, 03:11:46 AM »
I look forward to the actual DETAILS of this corruption…. Who, where, when, how much SPECIFICALLY!

I also wonder how they “ audited” an agency this large in a couple of weeks when they couldn’t finish “auditing” President Trump’s tax returns IN YEARS!

   The moth of corruption is just beginning to be exposed. 

I also wonder how they “ audited” an agency this large in a couple of weeks "
   Did anyone say they have completes the audit of USAID ?

  I understand the team to be revealing certain findings as they find them.  .. A critical part of "transparency".
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)
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