Where is the $4,7 trillion ? If that had not been robbed...Americans perhaps with a sane reciprocal tariff program, may not have to have been
paying any income tax since 1913..
Sure, lately the Democrats have been the ones most demanding sweat & tears from the people, but they are by no means alone.
https://www.wnd.com/2025/02/watch-jeffrey-tucker-trumps-counter-coup-exposing-deep-states-4-7t-shadow-government/ So, regardless whether Democrat, Republican, independent or something else, we as Americans should all be acting together to counter the greedy
ones who are clearly ripping us off..
We should all be behind Trump's plan to kill off the "deep stste", the prime slave creator.
If we would only ignore the rabble rousers (planted by the deep state), and drive for cleaner government, we the people could solve the problem.