Author Topic: Scoping The Huntsman-Questions  (Read 1138 times)

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Scoping The Huntsman-Questions
« on: March 27, 2004, 03:54:24 PM »
Well I'm anxiously awaiting the day when I go get my Huntsman out of layaway. I will be scoping it  so I have a few questions and I trust that some of you guys have a few answers. What procedures do I follow for this? Is it as easy as scoping a Handi Rifle? Do I use the Scope rail from H&R or do I use the standard Marlin 336 Weaver that I can get at Wal-Mart? There were posts on the old site about the rail screws going thru the chamber and hitting the breech plug. Do I have to woory about this? Can it be avoided with any special setup apparatus or will I have to grind off the screws? See I told you I had a few questions.  :-)  ??Help??
lik2hunt------>in OK

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Scoping The Huntsman-Questions
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2004, 05:01:43 PM »
Use the scope rail from H&R the screws didn't bother my breech plug. :grin:
from Tennessee---Paul

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Scoping The Huntsman-Questions
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2004, 05:49:30 PM »
You may want to order that scope rail right now from H&R.  It comes with the hammer offset for $18.00.  That scope rail is useful as it is drilled with more holes than the standard scope rail.  You will have more positioning options when mounting the scope.

I did not have to grind down the screws that came with the H&R scope rail.  If you buy another brand you may not be so lucky.  Check the screw depth with any scope rail to make sure that the screws aren't interfering with your breech plug.  That could make removing the breech plug an even bigger chore after you go to the range.

Good luck...Let us know what you decide :sniper:
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Scoping The Huntsman-Questions
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2004, 06:16:05 PM »

I am going through the same process as you at the moment.  I used to have one of the original huntsman/slug gun combos that they made a couple of years ago.  I used a weaver #82 base, and one year, I had a Tasco 3-9x40 Bantam scope on it, then last year, had a 4-12x42 Tasco on it.  One thing I can tell you from my own experience is that the scope I had on it last year was wayyyyy to heavy/big for where I hunt at, but the 3-9 worked great when I had it on too.  I harvested two deer last year, one at 10 yards, and the other right about 30-35 yds.  I was thinking about it the other day, and out of all the deer I have harvested, the furthest has been right at 100 or so yards.  Anyways, because of that, for the stainless huntsman I just got, I am going to go with a simmons 8 point 4x32, or a simmons pro-diamond 4x32(haven't quite decided yet, but the 8 point is about 30-40 dollars cheaper), along with a scope base from h&r.  The weaver base worked great, I just want to have more options as to where I put the scope, rather than 2 slots.  For where I hunt, it should be the cat's meow, and I would say, it should work for as far as a huntsman is good for, without screwing with the smooth lines of the huntsman too much.  Hope this helps.

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Offline Busta

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Scoping The Huntsman-Questions
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2004, 02:41:07 AM »
Get the rail from H&R/NEF, the rearmost screw hole is not drilled as deep as the other two and you won't have a problem with the screw being too long! Like the others have said, you will have more mounting options with the standard rail from H&R/NEF (5 slots) than you will with the Weaver (2 slots).

There is also an Ultra scope rail that has six slots with a set screw on the cantilever, but all you will need is the standard rail for the Huntsman.

It takes about a week to get the rail from H&R/NEF, so order the one with the hammer spur and you will be ready to go when you get your rifle. :grin:
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Scoping The Huntsman-Questions
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2004, 02:52:08 AM »
Thanks guys  :D  Thi is really easing up a lot of anxieties I have been having about this. I have that whole post from the old forum copied to my hard drive and it really hasn't been helpful, just confusing. Anyway I'm gonna get that rail from H&R and go with it on one of three of the scopes I am considering for this gun. Can't hardly wait. Should get it out soon....have to by 4-20.
Thanks again, but if there's some more info out there I'd be glad to hear it.
lik2hunt------>in OK

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Scoping The Huntsman-Questions
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2004, 02:55:54 AM »
Hey Busta, Just noticed your signature....maybe it should read this way;
~Corporate greed is running America~  :)
lik2hunt------>in OK

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Offline Busta

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Scoping The Huntsman-Questions
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2004, 03:02:48 AM »
Quote from: lik2hunt
Hey Busta, Just noticed your signature....maybe it should read this way;
~Corporate greed is running America~  :)


That applies too, unfortunately! :x
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Scoping The Huntsman-Questions
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2004, 01:31:13 PM »
I just mounted my first scope rail ever on my new 45/70 barrel. I oreder it with the barrels and it worked perfectly with screw length problems. I put a simmons 4x32 shotgun scope on it. If I thought I would use it for over 100 yard shots I would want a 3x9 but for 100 yards and in the 4x32 will be fine. I also have a 4x32 on my Ultra slug hunter.

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