A hearty welcome to the new guys, and a word of warning......there is no cure for Marlinitis! Oh Well! :grin:
I just got my order from Midway yesterday......Collet and Factory crimp dies for my newest, a 336C in 35 Remington. Another gently used gun I found at a pawn shop at a great price. I also got a box of Speer's 180-grain Hot-Cor bullets, I've used them in several different guns/calibers and they have always shot well. I'm gonna start with BLC-2 and Varget, if I can find a load as good as the Rem 200, I'll be delighted. This gun shoots them into an inch at 100 yards, from a crappy rest. Anything better than that, I'll have to take up varminting with them! :wink: