Ladobe, head is given to your warning by myself at least. However if I might ask. If these are to be used only for personal use and not for public dissemination or could there still be a problem. Not asking for legal advice just trying to prevent any problems for the board. It would be awful to lose a GREAT site like this. Chad
Chad -
I'm no lawyer (can't slither low enough) so I really can't get "legal" either - can only offer what sounds logical and reasonable to me. My take on your question... as far as I know, copying a companies copywrited sounds for your own personal use, but from "purchased" records/tapes/CD's that you yourself own would not be an infingement. Copying those sounds to give or sell to someone else would be. I also would think copying them on a computer or server and then passing along the URL to it for puiblic access and download would also be an infringement.
All I am asking of all of you here is please don't link here to any bootleg copywrited sounds, or offer someone copies of any records/tapes/CD's, etc. here on the GBO Forums. What you all do amonst yourselves off GBO is your business, and becomes your responsibility instead of the board Admin's.
Thanks again for your concern and help in keeping GBO alive and well.