Brett: that was a good one. I too was getting excited till I spotted the little devil down at the bottom. We had a DJ here in Fairbanks get into a lot of trouble yesterday, and was pulled off the air. He made an announcement that dihydrogen monoxide had been found in several schools and homes in the city Fairbanks. It had fallen to the ground overnight and the kids were tracking it into schools and homes. Some parents panicked and did not hear the April Fools part and called the Mayor's office. Some women were in tears thinking their children were sick due to some kind of toxic substance in the schools, or their homes. The mayor's office called the university to find out if breathing dihydrogen monoxide could be fatel, the answer was yes. They hung up before finding out what the substance was. When they were ready to evacuate the schools a science teacher stopped everything by telling them it was only WATER! It had snowed Wednesday night.