The V-24 isn't the first choice of most shooters. Optically, they often seem a little 'off' at the higher settings. They work -- but there are better choices.
The T-24 otoh is excellent.
Most prefer 1/4 moa adjustments over 1/8 and there were supposed to be 1/4 moa T-24s avallable by now but there was a mixup and the shipment came in with 1/8 moa clicks. The 1/4 moa scopes are probably another couple(?) of months out. If you want the T-24 -- which is much more scope than the V-24 -- and can wait, contact Zanders sporting goods in Illinois and talk with Cathy Winstead about them. She's in South Africa right now at the IMSSU world shoot but she'll be back end of month. She can work with your dealer and get one to you whenever Weaver gets the act together.
(There's nothing mechanically wrong with 1/8 moa clicks -- they just eat up adjustment and you can get 'out-of-synch' on the count when making quick adjustments during matches.)
Most people feel that there's nothing out there with more reliable W&E than the T series Weavers.
Which silhouette game are you interested in? IMO, you don't 'need' anything more than a V-16 or V-24 for airgun but you'd probably be better off with something else for sb or hp.