For some time I've been considering having a 10 inch .357 Mag barrel rechambered to .357 max but, in collecting data for the project I ran across a case that Starline produces called the 360 Dan Wesson. To my amazement Dan Wesson chambers their revolvers in this caliber. After measuring and remeasuring the chamber in two of my .357 Mag barrels they measured the same 1.41 inches as the Starline was making the 360 in.
To make a long story short I ordered 100 cases from Mid Way loaded them with a mild charge of IMR 4227, small rifle primers, and 180 grain Rem JHP's. I took everything to the range today and they shot superbly. Accuracy was much better than before and the case fell out in my hand.
The next step is to increase the powder capacity to get max velocity and accuracy from the 10 inch barrel.
Of course, I will not get the velocity of the .357 Max but I should be able to beat the Speer #11 loading manuals contender velocity of 1579 FPS (180 gr bullet) by 100 FPS when I switch powders. I believe the real benefit will be in accuracy.
Has anyone tried this?