Author Topic: Newbie?'s Contender or Encore??? Pistol or Rifle/Carbine???  (Read 563 times)

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Offline DoubleA

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Newbie?'s Contender or Encore??? Pistol or Rifle/Carbine???
« on: February 03, 2004, 06:08:31 AM »
Sorry all,
I can't find the information on the forum related to this, so I thought I would ask.  What are the differences between the new model Contender and the Encore?  If you get just the frame in either, can you then mate it with either a pistol stocked barrel and a rifle/carbine stocked barrel?

I basically would like to get one, but want the most 'bang' for my buck, i.e. the most capabilities.  I already have a firearm for every occasion, so I would be just buying the barrels as I can afford them for every occasion.


Offline doc-and

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Newbie?'s Contender or Encore??? Pistol or
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2004, 06:24:05 AM »
Hi DoubleA :D ,

Your question could make for a long post.  First you need to decide which calibers you would like to shoot, then you could possibly decide the platform on which to build.  The new G2 is a great handgun/carbine, but you will have limited cartidge selections (read that pressure limitations).  The Encore is a LARGE version of the G2 platform and has the capabilities of withstanding greater range of centerfire cartridges up to 375 H&H and some even larger from custom barrel makers.  But the Encore is not compatable FROM the factory for rimfire cartridges, for that you need a custom barrel with an offset bore or a firing pin conversion set-up.  

As to the conversion from handgun to rifle/carbine it's just a matter of swapping out the grips for a buttstock and making sure the barrel length is 16inches or greater in length to be legal.  Either the G2 or the Encore are quite capable of being converted back and forth in a matter of minutes.

Hope that answered you questions or caused you to have further questions.

Good shooting
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Offline flyfisher

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Newbie?'s Contender or Encore??? Pistol or
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2004, 06:28:30 AM »

I'll give this one a try, and I'm sure that others will provide input as well.

1)  The "new Contender" that you speak of is a G2 Contender.  Slightly heavier than the old Contender, different grip design than the old one too.  Most old contender barrels will fit the G2's frame.  The Encore is heavier than both the G2 and old Contender and is designed for higher pressure loads (the old contender and G2 are designed for lower pressure cartridges and loads).  Barrels are not interchangeable between the Encore and the G2 and old Contenders.  

2)  I believe that all frames are capable of being converted from pistol to rifle/carbine and back, however there have been many different threads and postings dealing with the legality of this issue.  I am not certain as to how purchasing a frame only would be.  I would assume that the frame would have to be listed as either a pistol or rifle, and according to what others have stated, may not be converted from pistol to rifle unless proper documentation and precautions are taken to meet Federal Law.  I am sure that others have a great deal more to say on the subject...I'm not an expert on the legality issue.

Whatever you choose to purchase (G2 or Encore, pistol or rifle/carbine), you're sure to have a fine firearm in your possession that is capable of nearly endless combinations.

Hope that this helps.
How'd you like a peek at my 14-incher? (Contender, that is)

Offline Questor

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Newbie?'s Contender or Encore??? Pistol or
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2004, 07:06:30 AM »
It really depends on what you want to do.  The Contender pistol, with a scope and a 14" barrel weighs about five pounds. The Encore pistol is bigger than that, making it heavier than some rifles.  The contender shoots mostly straight-walled pistol cartridges, and a few relatively low-power rifle cartridges like .223, 30-30, and 7-30 Waters.  The Encore will shoot rifle cartridges, including 30-06, 375 H&H magnum.  

I think the Encore makes a better rifle than a pistol.  The Contender is my first choice for a hunting handgun.
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Offline Gregory

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Newbie?'s Contender or Encore??? Pistol or
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2004, 07:16:30 AM »
Quote from: Questor
It really depends on what you want to do.
I think the Encore makes a better rifle than a pistol.  The Contender is my first choice for a hunting handgun.

I totally agree with Questor on this, but would add that the Contender makes up into a fine lightweight carbine too with a 16" barrel.  Additionally the Contender handles rimfires with a simple flip of the safety lever.

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Offline Deaf Smith

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Correction - You CAN convert any pistol to a rifle
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2004, 03:16:25 AM »
with the addition of a 16"+ barrel and a shoulder stock. You usually CANNOT convert a rifle to a pistol without NFA act paperwork. This has been an ongoing question for T/C carbine owners for quite some time with atf trying to say any t/c frame with a stock was an illegal rifle if you didnt own a 16" + barrel (say you are between barrels) but the court (Uniter States suprume Court ) ruled you may own all the parts you wanted and not have commited a crime until you actually do so(meaning as long as you don't put the shoulder stock on a 10" barreled contender they can't arrest you just for owning disconnected parts.
  I was told some time ago that T/C puts ALL of their contender frames down in the books as handguns so the owner can make the gun up in any configuration he wishes even if he buys just a frame.  There was some disagreement due to the fact that T/C started selling carbines and some gunshops (apprently just those inn pistol problem states) started selling them as rifles using the rifle sale criteria instead of pistol criteria their reasoning being it looked like a rifle thus it was a rifle not accepting the unique firearm that a contender was and is. where the law is on this now a days is I havw no idea but I was told ATF will check with T/C to see how a firearm was designated from the factory and since T/C designated all frames as pistols you should be able to mix and match to your hearts content as long as you remember the golden rule: always install the barrel first. Never even for 1 second put a shorter than 16+ barrel on ANY T/C frame (Contender G2 or Encore) with a stock already mounted on it.
PS I personally see no reason to own the Encore as if I want a powerful rifle there are better ones avaiable to me. I prefer the Contender both as a pistol or as a short carbine and the calibers avaiable for the Contender can take ANY critter from mice to elephant(22LR to 375JDJor hot loaded 45/70). What more do I need?
Jim L
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Offline buckenbass

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Newbie?'s Contender or Encore??? Pistol or
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2004, 06:46:05 AM »

No legal issue when making it into rifle

Theirs after market barrels for all bullets even 22lr and 17hmr

Even if you want a rifle to start buy just the frame as a pistol and buy the rifle barrel and stock  this way you try the pistol legally if you want later.

This is the was I started in late 97 with a encore 30-06 pistol..
But the T/C bug bit me hard and now seven frames (contender,g2,encore,tcr)and 24 barrels later and want more.

So when you go to buy your second frame make that a G2 or an old contender they do handel a little better as a pistol (lighter)..
I have yet been able to shoot a 3 shot sub 1" group at 100 yards ...........on any deer!!!!!!

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Newbie?'s Contender or Encore??? Pistol or
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2004, 12:48:32 PM »
I had a contender set up for years and loved it,succomed to the bigger is better idea and traded it all off on an encore...hated it... big and heavy......traded it all off on a contender again about a year later,happy again.went to a gun show today and got a full G2 rifle way happy.Do you have any kids?The contender with a 16"bbl and youth butstock makes a great little carbine,my 90 lb daughter uses mine in 223 and has gotten a dear her first 2 seasons.SGB
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Offline Bim

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Newbie?'s Contender or Encore??? Pistol or
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2004, 11:02:57 AM »
I guess what you have to do is decide what you want first cause you will probably end up getting the rest sooner or later. :)

Offline haroldclark

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Weight Differences
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2004, 06:46:21 PM »
I have a 7mm BR 15" Encore with a 2.5 X 7 Power Burris scope and the rubber grips and fore end.  It weighs 5.56 pounds

My 7mm TCU 14" Contender with Herret walnut grips and fore end and the same burris scope weighs 5.25 pounds.

Both rigs are using Weaver bases and Burris Zee Signature rings.

I was stunned to see such a slight difference.  While waiting for the 15" barrel to arrive, I had calculated into my recoil spreadsheet about 6.25 pounds for the Encore and was quite happy with the weight dampening that I anticipated.

That was wrong.