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Offline magooch

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« on: March 31, 2004, 04:12:20 AM »
I just did our taxes for 2003.  Last year was the first year of my retirement and our income is somewhat less than it was while I was working.  I knew my taxes would be quite a bit different, but I had no idea.  

I'm not going to give all the details, but all I can say is THANK YOU President Bush.  Now I know how all those retired people can afford to spend their winters in Arizona.  

When the Democraps say that only the rich got any benefit from the "Bush tax cuts"--BULLCRAP.

Offline Mikey

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« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2004, 09:56:53 AM »
magooch - ya'll got that right.  The demicraps are fulla schmidt, not to mention hate and loathing for Constitutional rights and their failures to control the great American checkbook (our earning and our tax returns.)  Lord how they must hate us for every nickle we earn that they cannot tax 4 cents from.  Ain't ya glad.  Now, all we have to do is keep George in office and keep hanoi john outta office.

Go G.W.  Mikey.

Offline handirifle

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« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2004, 10:28:23 AM »
Ditto what Mikey said. :grin:
God, Family, and guns, in that order!

Offline jh45gun

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« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2004, 10:44:04 AM »
If Kerry would get into office he would make the Klinton terms look good!!! I sure hope we can get GWB re-elected as Kerry would be a disaster for us. We do not need the biggest liberal in the country running it that is for sure!! Jim
Said I never had much use for one, never said I didn't know how to use it.

Offline Mauser

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« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2004, 03:35:27 AM »
Tax cuts are great to be sure.  In fact I think there should be a 15% across the board flat tax for all Americans.  Let the thieves in the govt figure out how to make it on that.  Let the rest of us who really make the country work keep our hard-earned money.  Forget the class war, it truly is us against the govt.  Anybody who doesn't think that one of the main causes of jobs moving overseas is confiscatory taxation and onerous regulation is naive, at best.

That said, GWB has blown it, in my estimation, spending more money than any of the worst democrats.  Sure the war on terror creates some added expenses but not like this.  GWB has never, to my knowledge, vetoed ANY spending bill sent up from Congress.  That is saying a lot.

Cut and eliminate taxes sure, but a REAL conservative holds the line on spending as well (and doesn't invite Mexico, or anybody else, to move here).  GWB is a closet liberal.  We haven't had a REAL conservative in office since before FDR.

I'll never vote for a democrat, but I'm torn between voting for GWB with my nose plugged or nobody or a third party candidate.

Incidently I'm not one who believes that a third party vote or a no vote is a "wasted" vote.  These so-called conservatives have got to understand that they can't take their "base" for granted.  The policies for the trillion dollar plus medicare burglary and immigration, to name just a couple, have to have consequences at the ballot box.  Voting for GWB or any other Neo con will not get that message across.  I'm tired of the political realities argument.  That rationalization is a big part of the reason why Washington is the monster it has become.

If we are going to go broke, and we are, why not let the Democrats do it so they can take the blame?  Actually, at this point, it doesn't matter who takes the blame.  As it is there is no mainstream champion for limited goverment.  Its not an accident, the Republicans and Democrats both have an interest in the status quo-its about the power.

Offline Mikey

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« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2004, 03:36:52 AM »
Friend, you said you 'hope' we can get GWB re-elected - me too pal but the road named Hope leads to a town called Nowhere, and that's just exactly where we will be if that commicrat gets elected.  

Ya'll always wonder what you, as an individual, can do in the face of all the big money spent by the opposition, and all the media hype you read in the papers and hear on the news.  Just about one of the best things we can do, individually, is to keep our ears and eyes open and not hesitate to step into a discussion that is anti-gun or anti-constitutional, or just plain anti-Bush/Republican, or to respond to an editorial in the local papers.  So many of those liberal idjits feel they can just spout their garbage and that everyone will take it as gospel.  But they shut right up when they are faced with a forceful disagreement, especially if the logic and truth involved is so forceful they cannot counter what you have said.  All it takes is one person at a time and we can turn many toward our point of view.

You may notice that whenever you hear a conversation bashing this or that, there is one person trying to convince another, or others.  All you have to do is add a dissenting opinion, based and backed by fact, and they will have lost the day.  Everytime I hear someone say that he or she can't think of a reason for having a gun, I simply tell them to give me her purse or his wallet and everything in it.  I say (especially to the women who make that mistake) that since I know you don't have a gun I will make you do what I want you to do - you are now my slave and you WILL OBEY my commands or I WILL MAKE you obey me because you don't have the means, or the guts to resist me.  Tell you husband to leave the house tonight because I don't want him around when YOU SERVE ME.  The looks I get are incredible, especially if I do this in the office when I'm wearing a suit and tie.  They expect this more from someone who looks like street scum and smells like french fries.  Once they see that there are indeed powerless, then I add a few statistics like:  one in every 4 single women will be assaulted, raped or murdered this year - are you going to be one of them? - they begin to understand that their safety is only in their hands and nobody else's.  

Even if they don't like that and start to walk away, you've won and they've lost, which is why they are walking away.  I usually add that they might be wise to leave the building in the company of a significant number of others lest harm befall the individual potential victim who leaves alone.  Ya know, they stay nervous all dang day long and that is OK with me, because it gets the message across.  

You're right jh, I too hope we can re-elect GWB, but I'm gonna work my butt off to see it happen.  Mikey.

Offline magooch

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« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2004, 04:53:08 AM »
Quote from: Mauser
Tax cuts are great to be sure.  In fact I think there should be a 15% across the board flat tax for all Americans.  Let the thieves in the govt figure out how to make it on that.  Let the rest of us who really make the country work keep our hard-earned money.  Forget the class war, it truly is us against the govt.  Anybody who doesn't think that one of the main causes of jobs moving overseas is confiscatory taxation and onerous regulation is naive, at best.

That said, GWB has blown it, in my estimation, spending more money than any of the worst democrats.  Sure the war on terror creates some added expenses but not like this.  GWB has never, to my knowledge, vetoed ANY spending bill sent up from Congress.  That is saying a lot.

Cut and eliminate taxes sure, but a REAL conservative holds the line on spending as well (and doesn't invite Mexico, or anybody else, to move here).  GWB is a closet liberal.  We haven't had a REAL conservative in office since before FDR.

I'll never vote for a democrat, but I'm torn between voting for GWB with my nose plugged or nobody or a third party candidate.

Incidently I'm not one who believes that a third party vote or a no vote is a "wasted" vote.  These so-called conservatives have got to understand that they can't take their "base" for granted.  The policies for the trillion dollar plus medicare burglary and immigration, to name just a couple, have to have consequences at the ballot box.  Voting for GWB or any other Neo con will not get that message across.  I'm tired of the political realities argument.  That rationalization is a big part of the reason why Washington is the monster it has become.

If we are going to go broke, and we are, why not let the Democrats do it so they can take the blame?  Actually, at this point, it doesn't matter who takes the blame.  As it is there is no mainstream champion for limited goverment.  Its not an accident, the Republicans and Democrats both have an interest in the status quo-its about the power.

Mauser, you are perfectly right to abhor the spending that the Republicans are responsible for, but if you think the Democraps would do any better, think again.  We have come to the point in this country where the majority demands that the government does more and more.  It is only a matter of time before we wind up with super-inflation (money devaluation), in fact it may have already begun, i.e. note the falling value of the American dollar against the Euro etc.

Voting for a third party is not a waste if it makes you feel better, but that feeling won't last long if the Democraps regain power.  The present day Dems are really socialists, plain and simple.  The sad part is that the Republicans feel like they have to pander to the countries socialistic tendencies to get elected and I sadly think they are right.

I will be voting straight Republican and hoping that if they remain in power, they will at least slow the rate at which we descend into the pit of socialism.


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« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2004, 07:43:29 AM »
My tax preparer filed mine on Feb. 10 and still have not got my refund and she E-filed them. Turns out our companys accountant spelled my last name wromg on my W-2. It's going to be another 2 weeks. That's another reason I do not like pencil pushers.  Just my luck. You know what they say life is a big sh*t sandwhich sometimes and everybody has to take a bite eventually.


Offline Major

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« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2004, 09:49:36 AM »
Quote from: magooch

I will be voting straight Republican and hoping that if they remain in power, they will at least slow the rate at which we descend into the pit of socialism.

That's what I am hoping for too.   :roll:
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Offline Gunsmoke

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« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2004, 05:04:01 PM »
Mr. Mauser, I wish you would consider the fact that every Democratic President has decimated our military, and it is the Republican President that has to build back our defense capabilities. The cost of rebuilding is tremendous as it is one of the most expensive programs to maintain in our whole national budget. If the demorats would do their part when in office and maintain our defense system the cost wouldn't be so staggering. Also the cost of the war on the terrorist murderers has added tremendously to our deficit.
President Bush isn't perfect, he's made some mistakes, haven't we all!
But I think he's head and shoulders above the nearest choice we have to lead our country. I think his performance has been nothing less than spectacular, considering the circumstances he has been confronted with and the mess he inherited when he came into office. I hope and pray he is reelected and will do my part to help that hope happen.  Just my thoughts.
"Those that would trade liberty for security, deserve neither". Ben Franklin

Offline Mauser

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« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2004, 03:44:25 AM »
My point is that I'm sick of being taken for granted as a conservative voter.  Just yesterday the Republican House voted for an immense highway (and other pork) bill.  What does that have to do with the war on terror?  What does it have to do with defense?  What does it have to do with limited government?  It is only about power-no different than any dictator, just less violent, for now.  When are people who claim to be conservatives going to wake up and see that there is no major party who stands for limited government.  I'm not making this up.  Look at the record.  Either you are for limited government or you are for something else.  Its pretty simple actually, if the government spends more money it, by definition, grows, which ultimately results in higher taxation.

Even if you buy the Keynesian mantra that the economy will grow with more govt spending, the economy will eventually slow and we are stuck with a huge beaurocracy that doesn't contract, ever.  More money (power)is taken from the private sector-us- to fund it.

I'm not denying that the Republican's rhetoric is better than that of the Democrats.  I'm saying that their record-the only thing that counts-is not greatly superior on the overall goal of limiting the burden of government in our lives.  In some cases, their record is just as bad.  Look at the Nixon, Ford, and Bush I administrations.

I'm tired of people saying "the country ain't what it used to be" and then being for "free" government drugs, bicycle helmet laws, "reasonable" gun laws, and our current war on the 4th-6th Amendments, etc.  It ain't what it used to be because folks have turned over responsibility for themselves, their parents, their kids, and their communities to the govt.  Read the constitution sometime, there is no right to cheap anything or the right to live to be 90.  The Bill of Rights only gives you the right to be free of govt interference in your life, except in certain, enumerated, circumstances.  We have pissed that away.

I'm not trying to be an SOB, but I get so frustrated with people who think the GOP is so much better.  Vote Republican if it makes you feel better (I probably will too, yet again), but don't kid yourself about most of those guys-they want to be in Washington DC after all.

Offline magooch

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« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2004, 05:15:02 AM »
Quote from: Gunsmoke

President Bush isn't perfect, he's made some mistakes, haven't we all!
But I think he's head and shoulders above the nearest choice we have to lead our country. I think his performance has been nothing less than spectacular, considering the circumstances he has been confronted with and the mess he inherited when he came into office. I hope and pray he is reelected and will do my part to help that hope happen.  Just my thoughts.

I absolutely agree that Dubya has done amazingly well and is so far above anyone else, but I sure wish he had never thrown in with that disgusting piece of excrement from Taxachusettes (Kennedy) when he was doing the "No Child Left Behind" thing.  I hope he has learned his lesson--don't deal with any of those liberal bustards.

Offline trick45

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« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2004, 05:45:55 AM »
Mauser, you're pretty much right, but we have to play the hand we're dealt right now, that hand being dealt from FDR's "New Deal" of 70 years ago.

So, use the principle: "Follow the money." Which money interests support the Republicans right now? The ones who most benefit from the greatest number of people, preferably everyone, being free and prosperous. That's how entrepreneurs, business owners and financiers gain power and wealth. Which money interests support the Democrats right now? The ones who most benefit from the greatest number of people, preferably everyone but themselves, being enslaved and impoverished. That's how the education and media elite and the labor unions gain power and wealth.

Magooch, you said:
When the Democraps say that only the rich got any benefit from the "Bush tax cuts"--BULLCRAP.

According to the Democrats, because you got a benefit from the Bush tax cuts, you are rich. Isn't that nice?


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« Reply #13 on: April 03, 2004, 10:12:11 AM »
You guys are my case in point.  It makes no effing difference who is in power, because to them, it only matters that they are.
Both parties have pissed on our constitution and as of late, have been defacating on it as well.
Both parties have abused their power for many terms.
It is not now and has not been for quite some time by the people and for the people, it has become "What's in it for me ?".
Short of a revolution or a miraculous win by an emergent proconstitutional party, our situation is not going to get better, only worse.
The people behind the power (read "the rich") want our guns taken away because they are more fearful now than ever that a class war will erupt due to the abuse of those in power and the gaps in classes that are becoming more evident and they have no confidence in being able to utilize our military against you and I, the backbone of this country.
Amazing how these dirtbags send our jobs overseas and leave many Americans on the dole who would much rather be productive wage earners, but yet have no problem taking those gazillion dollar bonuses, stock options, and super fat paychecks.  These are the big business whores who own the government and screw you and me.
Call me a doomsdayer, but the beginning of the end has begun already, and unless major change is brought about, there will be no avoiding it.
The worst part is, major change will have its price in blood.  Mark my words.

Offline magooch

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« Reply #14 on: April 04, 2004, 06:59:47 AM »
 Call me a doomsdayer, but the beginning of the end has begun already, and unless major change is brought about, there will be no avoiding it.
The worst part is, major change will have its price in blood.  Mark my words.

Consider your words marked, but buck up guy; things aren't really all that bad.  I still believe we are lucky enough to live in the best country in the world and for the most part, our politicians do still listen to us.  Our task is to be the noisiest, loudest voices around.

Offline BamBams

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« Reply #15 on: April 04, 2004, 05:25:55 PM »
We reached the beginning of the end when Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.  The world has been going downhill ever since.  *smiles*
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« Reply #16 on: April 05, 2004, 09:19:21 PM »
Bambams, agreed if you want to go on technicalities.
Magooch, no dispute, this is still the best country in the world, but we are losing ground on many fronts.
We keep shouting about all that the constitution offers, but what good is it if it gets trampled on ?
Would you not agree that any unconstitutional laws are illegal ?
If so, then should we not all be free to own any type of firearm under the sun without question ?
NYS is one of many states that ban full auto.  IMHO, that is an unconstitutional law.  Do you think if I challenged it as such, I wouldn't land in a cozy prison cell for excercising my "constitutional rights" ?
Every citizen that passes the NIC test ought to be able to carry concealed, but in NYS and many others, one must practically offer up a child to get a permit, and pay ridiculous fees on top of it.
Again, the second has been trampled.
The constitution allows for citizens to redress grievances, but don't you know, our politicians and judges made it nearly impossible to sue the government for wrongdoing, no matter how egregious the offense.
It seems to me that not a day goes by where our "elected officials" put new laws on the books, some useful, most not necessary.
What about taxation levels ?  Yes, I know, we have so called representation, but did you ever sit down and figure out how taxed we really are ?
On the old MT, someone posted a list of taxes, most of which we know about and some of which are hidden and obscure but are taxes none the less, and the list wasn't even complete.
All told, we as the middle class are probably taxed conservatively at the 60% level.  I think it is more, much more.  It is just set up so you don't really realize just how much taxes and fees we shell out of our hard earned money.
And again, how big business is putting our people on unemployment and in some cases, welfare just so the shareholders see that the bottom line is strong and so the officers can continue to receive theirs.
Something is all wrong, and I guess as long as you have the ability to even get by, we simply put our blinders on, and thank G-d and our government.
I decided to take my blinders off years ago.  Even while financially things were swell, though that has deteriorated over the past few years.
I decided to see what really was happening, and "read between the lines" as my deceased dad used to tell me ever since I was old enough to understand what he meant.
Every politician since I have been alive lied every time their lips moved.
They took it upon themselves to do a few things to appease as many as possible, but every office just took a bit more from you and me one way or another.
In this day and age, since our government is supposedly by the people and for the people, do you think they would say "Hey people, now that we live in an age where it is possible, all proposed legislation will go to YOU, the people to vote on."  Do you think we really need overpaid politicians to vote for us ?  They all seem to do what benefits people who "helped them along the way" and if it benefits us, that's great, if it doesn't they find a way to convince us that it does, or in many cases, we aren't even aware of what is going on.
No, ladies and gents, the government has gotten way too big, certainly far bigger than the founders ever imagined or hoped for.
You want to make the most noise, great idea, now just hope that all the noise you make gets results that make this country even better.
I write my politicians on a nearly weekly basis regarding legislation that affects us and in particular, second amendment issues, and wouldn't you know, NOT ONE has ever responded.  I must say, even a form letter acknowledging the fact that I took the time out of my busy schedule to contact them would be welcome.
I may be in the minority, but I have lost confidence in that our government is doing the right thing.
Off the soapbox now.

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« Reply #17 on: April 06, 2004, 11:11:30 AM »

On the old MT, someone posted a list of taxes, most of which we know about and some of which are hidden and obscure but are taxes none the less, and the list wasn't even complete.
All told, we as the middle class are probably taxed conservatively at the 60% level.  I think it is more, much more.  It is just set up so you don't really realize just how much taxes and fees we shell out of our hard earned money.

Think about this: In mid-evil Europe we think of the surfs as being just one step above a slave.   They could not own the land and were required to pay the landowner 1/3rd of any income they made.   Wouldn’t it be nice to only have to pay a third of your income, total?  

But you say… I can own the land.   I would say… for the most part the bank owns it not you and even if you do, how many own the water rights, the timber rights and the mineral rights that are on that ground?   If you are really luck maybe you own about 8-feet deep and that is all.   Just see how long your house will stand if there were oil or gold found 30-feet down.   And for all of this we pay about 60%… think about that!

We are worse off than those surfs!  
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Offline papajohn428

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« Reply #18 on: April 17, 2004, 01:18:12 PM »
Congratulate me, folks, apparently I'm a billionaire!   :eek:

According to the Demoncraps, Bush's tax cuts hurt the working class, and only the super-rich got any kind of a tax break.  Well, this year's tax refund was over $6100 for a family of four, based on my income only.  Over a thousand dollars more than last year, thanks to GWB.

Can someone peel me a grape?  I'm clearly too rich to do it myself!   :wink:

If you can shoot home invaders, why can't you shoot Homeland Invaders?

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« Reply #19 on: April 20, 2004, 05:08:17 PM »
Quote from: papajohn428
Congratulate me, folks, apparently I'm a billionaire!   :eek:

According to the Demoncraps, Bush's tax cuts hurt the working class, and only the super-rich got any kind of a tax break.  Well, this year's tax refund was over $6100 for a family of four, based on my income only.  Over a thousand dollars more than last year, thanks to GWB.

Can someone peel me a grape?  I'm clearly too rich to do it myself!   :wink:


I guess I am one too.   I am taxed enough to be.


Here's a list of taxes we all pay:

Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
Burning Permit Tax
Capital Gains Tax
CDL license Tax
Cigarette Tax
Concelled Weapons Permit Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Court Fines (indirect taxes)
Dog License Tax
Explosives Licence Use Tax
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel permit tax
Gasoline Tax (42 cents per gallon)
Hunting License Tax
Import/Export Tax
Inheritance Tax Interest expense (tax on the money)
Inventory tax IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)
IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Local Income Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Septic Permit Tax
Service Charge Taxes
Social Security Tax
Road Usage Taxes (Truckers)
Sales Taxes
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Road Toll Booth Taxes
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone federal excise tax
Telephone federal universal service fee tax
Telephone federal, state and local surcharge taxes
Telephone minimum usage surcharge tax
Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges tax
Telephone state and local tax
Telephone usage charge tax
Toll Bridge Taxes
Toll Tunnel Taxes
Traffic Fines (indirect taxation)
Trailer registration tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax
911 Emergancy Services Tax.


Did I miss any?????????????????
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« Reply #20 on: April 21, 2004, 07:48:16 AM »
Amazing that we have anything left at all, isn't it ?!?!?

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« Reply #21 on: April 22, 2004, 02:41:10 PM »
Amazing that we have anything left at all, isn't it ?!?!?

There won't be if Scary Kerry makes it in.  
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