I'm a long way from expert but black chrome is a nickle-chrome alloy with another metalic that creates a gloss black finish. It is applied as is the chrome on bumpers, eletroplated.. Well done it creates a very durable finish that looks almost like a highly polished hot tank blue job. As in all electroplating there are the problems with uneven plating, especially in certain areas due to the electrical current flow used to transport and apply the chrome. There's a place in Florida I believe can't remember the name any more but they do an excellant job... They regularly advertise in GunList or at least they used to.. This process has even been used commercially. I had a Franchi Falconet(over/under) with an adonized(sp.) aluminum receiver and the barrels were black chromed. I loved the gun and it always looked great and showed little wear though I hunted birds with it nearly every weekend(and some weekdays!!). Unfortunately it was stolen.. I've worked with other pieces that were black chromed and they seemed just fine. The armoly is a much harder material, and is without doubt more durable..especially in a holster, but I don't believe it is offered in any colors..