Author Topic: Still donno how many phonebooks.....  (Read 873 times)

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Offline Calamity Jane

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Still donno how many phonebooks.....
« on: April 25, 2004, 12:41:38 PM »
.... but 1 Oz powder behind a 1 inch ball will drive it 7" into an oak log!

Finally got a chance to got out cannon-shootin fer the first time this year 'n' found a 10 inch oak log at the range. First shot buried itself in the log; second shot kind'a hit a bit to the side 'n' tore a chunk off; third round split the log in two. I found the first cannon ball on the ground (in near perfect condition) and, with the log split, I could see the hole bored by the first shot.

Think I found a new way to split me firewood :mrgreen:

Did I mention I finally got 'round to puttin steel tires on me cannon? Yup, she's complete now.

I got some good video of the log-splittin (VHS). If I ever figger a way to get it into me confuser, I'll post it somewhere.

Ya know, as much as I love Cowboy Action Shooting, I could really get inta this cannon shootin  :shock:
Calamity Jane
SASS 40978L

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Your cannon
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2004, 03:57:42 PM »
Calamity J... that is one FINE looking cannon.  Great!!!  Thanks for allowing us to see it too.  Blaster (Bob in CO)
Graduate of West Point (West Point, Iowa that is)

Offline jimwaits

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Still donno how many phonebooks.....
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2004, 06:22:37 PM »
Hello Calamity, that is a great shot of your beautiful cannon. It looks better with the wooden wheels and iron tires. I think you should put some type of known object like a Coke Can or something to show size perspective. I know the bore is one inch but it's hard to see that. Anyone who can make a thing of beauty like that don't need to be playing cowboy.
   I thought you rode a bicycle with a generator hooked up to the rear wheel to make power for the local electric company.
Jim Waits