Ok, so I read with interest posts about how arrow speed is over rated, that jumping the string can happen any time (reasonable considering the speed of sound is much faster than the fastest bow shoots.) So this leads me to believe that the quieter your bow the less chance of something bad happening when you release the string. So, what are the best, and not so best, ways of reducing noise? I know about Limbsavers. Are those a good start? Also, what string silencers work best? I see this spider looking one that even says it adds a few fps to your arrow speed. There are also mini Limbsavers for things like your quiver and pin sight. There are even balance weights that do dual service of noise and vibration dampening. So whats a good use of money and whats a waste. Im going to be shooting an older Pearson (Bushmaster I think it is,) bow and Im sure it could benifit from reductions in noise and vibration.
Brian M.
P.S. Also, if anyone can give me some info on the Pearson Bushmaster Id appreciate it. Right now, according to the label from the factory, its set at a 30" draw and a 75lb pull. Ill try and get some pix to show you folks. Is this bow, despite it looking kinda dull compared to more modern bows, still a quality hunting weapon? It looks like it was almost never shot, so condition is excellent.