c mac,
I have been using Dacron successfully for about 50 years(as soon as it was made available),without any problems.
But,recently,Dacron has become controversial,so check with the anti Dacron Crowd,before you try using it,yourself.
I have tried grabbing a 'pinch'from a big ball,but it is a lot easier,and more consistant for the same sized individual wad,to cut the wad from a roll.
Rolls come in as least two thicknesses. I just measured mine,it's 1/2 inch thick.
I have a plastic grid,marked with lines spaced 1/2"apart. I use this to mark off strips of the Dacron on a foot long sheet. As I need the filler,I cut a 1/2" x 1/2" strip from the sheet. Then I lop off 1/2" cubes to place into the case mouth.
I center the Dacron cube over the case mouth,and push it into the case with a blunt pencil point. I'm careful to push the center of the cube down,so the filler has equal pressure on all sides of the inner case wall. This will tend to keep the filler from shifting.
Then,I reverse the pencil and push the wad onto the surface of the powder. This is a little tricky. You don't want to tamp the filler down,just let it rest on the surface.
Some people will place the filler in the case mouth and push it down when you seat the bullet. I've tried this,but for me,it destroys the accuracy of the load. If you try this,and have any success,please post it here.
The size of the individual filler can be controlled by lopping off different lengths of the 1'2" x 1/2" strips.
Good luck,