Off topic alert!!!...
I work with some Canadians now and I have never seen such an unpatriotic group of people. It's uncanny how much they despise their own country.
I found their stories of the Canadian health care system particularly alarming, as it favors the young and makes the old wait so long that they often die of their ailments before they can get treatment.
One man lost his father most tragically: He was bleeding internally. The paramedics got there in time. They correctly diagnosed the situation. They got him to the hospital in time. In the US he would have been operated on and the ruptured artery would have been patched and the prognosis for a decent recovery and probably more years of life would have been good. In Canada he died in the waiting room because the younger people with non-threatening injuries had priority. The doctors are not ashamed of this situation because "that's the way it is here [in Canada]."
As always, I find it edifying and educational to work with people from around the world.
I've also worked with people from China who have a fascinating way of getting the education they need in the US. They go to Vancouver, BC. Go on the dole, get their education mostly at the expense of the Canadian people, and upon graduating come to the US because that's where the jobs are. These are not isolated cases. It's more of a well used pipleline.
Then there are the mystifying economic decisions. My favorite, but not that big a deal in the grand scheme of things, was a major drag race that for years was bringing millions of dollars into Canada for a week-end long event Leaded fuel was banned. No exception for the drag race would be made. The racers would not used unleaded fuel at the time. The drag race is no longer in Canada and those millions are now back where they belong. One would think that an exception would be made for a situation like this because of the localized impact and because of the huge benefit.
Oh well, back to guns....